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  1. I've heard nothing but great things about Jeannine's rallies, from both Oliver and Casita owners. They're supposed to be a ton of fun and I'm sure some of the regulars here can post about their experiences. I doubt I'll ever go to this particular one, because August, but Green Eggs and Ham and Outer banks are definitely on my someday list.
    2 points
  2. I mostly agree, though they've definitely improved the past few. The one thing that gets me is that they don't physically separate their fiberglass production, cutting, and assembly areas. There's dust everywhere and you can even see in the video where the guy has to stop and pick out dust when spraying the gelcoat. It's all over the parts shelves and the floors and follows the trailers through delivery. And there's no way it's healthy for the workers.
    2 points
  3. Those spaces aren't for locking things up securely. They're more for just keeping things out of sight in case someone does come in or peeks in the window. Campground theft is about opportunity. It's unlikely anyone is going to bother prying open your door unless they know for sure that there's something in there worth getting. But if a bad guy sees you head to the bathroom with a magazine and a roll of toilet paper, or he sees you and your spouse socializing with someone three spots down, then he might pop by your trailer and check the door. In just a few seconds he can scan the place for a camera or iPad, he might check the closet and take that nice Patagonia jacket, maybe grab the spare set of keys you left on the table, or he might just grab a beer from the fridge.
    2 points
  4. What rubber was used on the bottom and how did you attach the rubber to the wood? - Its an industrial grade vibration pad, approximately 3/16" thick. The material appears to be made out of the same type of material as automobile tires. Although I had the material left over from another project, I'm sure that it is widely available at hardware stores. I used a 3M adhesive spray from Home Depot. Also, did you determine the angle of the cut via measuring, an existing chock, guessing, looking at your truck tires, or ???? Any idea of what that angle is? Did you think of making the face of the chock “cupped” for the radius of the tire? - I determined the angle (45 degrees) using a bit of engineering logic. The 45 degree angle provides an optimal split in the load to the wheel and pavement (for a straight cut). Although a cupped cut is theoretically better than a straight cut, it would have increased the complexity of the build considerably. And IMO, the improvement doesn't justify the complexity for my build. Did you put a coat of poly on these chock to help prevent water retention? - there is no poly at the moment. Not a bad idea, though. The wood is pressure treated, so I do not anticipate much of a problem with water.
    2 points
  5. This rally will not appeal to everyone with a travel trailer. It is designed for those who want to explore the Black Hills and know how to advantageously plan to have a nearby camp for minimal day driving. It’s also designed to take advantage of having a home on wheels. We’re not singing "Kum ba yah"; this rally is for those who want to maximize our week to explore the multitude of nearby attractions, and a lot of the customized daily schedule is up to the participant. This rally is attracting independent spirits that just want fiberglass trailer camp camaraderie. That's as much as I can offer you. If you're seeking a full-blown event schedule with everything planned for you, then maybe you shouldn't attend.
    2 points
  6. I'll need to check my supply, but, if I still have enough "tint" material left I'll bring it to the Owner's Rally in May and Mike & Carol will have it available during their presentation. Bill
    2 points
  7. Factory Tour: Elite tour: Elite II Trailer tour: Thanks go to Dori & Mena. Great job
    1 point
  8. We could just edit the title to include your new coniderations.... or, you could start a new thread... Sherry
    1 point
  9. What I meant was that thieves love to steal guns. Advertising that there might be one in your trailer is a big invitation.
    1 point
  10. Oh for crying out loud… That’s what happens when you want to party with a bunch of engineers and so-called intellects. They’ll even pick apart your expressive poetry. Y’all need to get out and do some more camping! BTW John, I think you meant to pin our second campground, Rush No More RV Resort in post #157854. Not Bulldog Creek Campground (intersection)?
    1 point
  11. "I have valuable things inside, including a nice gun." ;)
    1 point
  12. I have home made, store bought, web purchased, etc. All work, well - except the Anderson's, plastic just slides around. If I wasn't so hard headed I would initially just head to the local Harbor Freight, cheap and reliable - in this case anyways. Good solid rubber wheel chocks - at a great prices. RB
    1 point
  13. and I would suggest - risk vs reward. I understand the concern around theft, personal injury, and the like. I will keep doing what's worked for the last 61 years. Use common sense, take appropriate precautions, and go enjoy the day. When young, we had little of value to others, now, older, somewhat more prosperous, we try not to be ostentatious with our stuff. Inside the Ollie, we put valuables - where ever- but out of sight. The really valuable - wallets, "puters" and such go into the truck, hidden and locked. Casual campsite attendance - similar - unless in use. If we leave for a time. lock the door - it keeps the honest - somewhat honest. I will admit, for years I rarely if ever worried about crazy, desperate people - who may pose a personal health risk. And as such, we now carry the appropriate defense hardware. My spouse is trained on hardware use, as am I, we both have and carry appropriate documentation, and have no qualms sharing this predilection. One thing I have come to discover is the fear, or perhaps its dislike, that many people have towards big, health looking dogs. Although our Chessie is a big lovable, muscled up, powerful - powder puff- some people are very "attentive" when he is around. I'll take it, its like one of those Security company signs - visible, but, not really actionable.. I must admit- I wouldn't want him pissed at me - as he has never shown to be an angry dog... well there was once this Fed Ex guy... What Harley does - is few get close without a warning signal or two. Secret hiding areas - ok, I doubt few casual crooks know about them - how many Ollies are out there- compared to the rest - well its not in my wheelhouse of concern. Instead of one of those "ask me about my Grandchildren" signs, perhaps I'll post a recent target practice sample and a small metal sign: "Ask me about my Glock". As far as the Tour video, I appreciate the effort, but to a recovering manufacturing addict, it just leaves me questioning their methods and processes. Not hating, it is just reality. As well as the products appear to turn out, Oliver has a long way to go in the manufacturing arena. I went on the tour, was satisfied they had a decent handle on small scale production, however, little if any documentation, visible process verification, etc. I digress. I like my Oliver, I appreciate the design, and I like showing it to others. Now if we can just get more time, free unfettered, time. Well, have fun all, life is short - enjoy it.
    1 point
  14. Not trying to be confrontational but I am curious. You all must carry a lot more valuables then we do. Most of mine fit in my pocket. We carry computers and tablets in the truck which is more secure then the trailer and has a alarm on it. We even leave our camper door unlocked most of the time because if someone wants in I would rather they just go in and take what they want then rip our door open. We leave nothing of any value in the camper. Opening the camper door is so easy if they don't care about damaging it that's its a joke. What kind of things need to be so secure?
    1 point
  15. Thirty years ago, we lived in a smaller home without a dedicated office. We had a cabinetmaker build an 8 ft long credenza with four long filing drawers. To keep the front cleanlined, and prevent our child from opening the heavy drawers, the cabinet maker installed latches operated by a separate magnetic knob that we hid inside a clock case. No power source required. I've seen newer rfid electronic versions since. These require a battery or a low draw power source. Either might work to make your top seem permanently attached, but remiveable with a magnet or key card. . Sherry
    1 point
  16. Mike, at one time, I looked into using some solenoid activated cam locks that would hold the lids down. Release would be accomplished through a hidden switch. I didn't pursue it so now I just store stainless steel hardware, extra batteries, fuses, suction cups, and lots of little misc stuff in there divided among seven little plastic totes. Nothing valuable. The valuable stuff is stored behind the M18A1 Claymore mine.
    1 point
  17. Hi John, I just noticed your comment below that giant screen shot you posted. We never put out a schedule of events this early from a rally. As the Website already states: "Registered participants will have the rally itinerary by Mid-July". A schedule of events is heavily dependent on the number of anticipated participants. Fluidity matters. We are currently working on events, but will not project anything this early into the year. There will be a lot of exploratory time for participants. That's why we post so many links on the rally Website. At this time, participants are expected to do homework on what would interest them from a myriad of options.
    1 point
  18. Would you mind explaining those? Does this actually mean something? I have been to Rushmore and the Black Hills and cannot connect what I experienced there with this mystical symbology... except maybe the rumbling, which could be half a million Harley Davidson riders leaving Sturgis. They should mostly be gone by the last week of August. Nature’s quiver has me and Google stumped.... Is there an actual schedule of events? There is nothing on the website. Thanks. John Davies Spokane WA
    1 point
  19. Has anyone figured out a way to secure the tops with something other than Velcro that would make them more secure? Some kind of hinge with a hidden pin? I like these areas not just because they aren’t obvious but because they are nice extra storage areas. Seems like there should be a way to secure them without advertising what they are. I’m going to give this some thought, there has to be a simple yet effective solution....
    1 point
  20. At least once when in a campsite, someone stopped by our trailer in the evening and told us that after they saw our trailer they went on youtube and looked up videos about it. I'm used to telling people about the trailer, not having them tell me about mine, so that was a little weird. The problem with those compartments is that if someone knows about them, then they also know that's where the valuables are to be found. Then all it takes is waiting for you to take a walk around the campsite without locking up, or maybe hanging out by the campfire distracted - 15 seconds later and they're in and out with whatever they find.
    1 point
  21. Questions - What rubber was used on the bottom and how did you attach the rubber to the wood? Also, did you determine the angle of the cut via measuring, an existing chock, guessing, looking at your truck tires, or ???? Any idea of what that angle is? Did you think of making the face of the chock "cupped" for the radius of the tire? Did you put a coat of poly on these chock to help prevent water retention? Bill
    1 point
  22. In addition to all of the above, we use it to provide ventilation to feed the Max Fan. Definitely needed. That said, I like Bill's suggestion that it should be tinted to match the other windows.
    1 point
  23. Ours stays open when parked and it isn’t raining. I also communicate with my wife through the bathroom window when I am dumping the black tank. When the tank is empty I close the dump valve and have her add more water to the tank and then dump again.
    1 point
  24. We use ours all the time. Its probably open 80% of the time we are parked unless its raining.
    1 point
  25. We use the bathroom window a lot. We usually open it after a shower and turn the fan on. On nice days it stays open to provide general ventilation. It also lights up the bathroom during the day. We wouldn’t be without it. Mike
    1 point
  26. Mine is usually open when not moving, for ventilation. If some rain comes in I don’t worry about anything getting damp that shouldn’t. Are you talking about having a fixed glass pane, or eliminating it entirely? That would make it kinda dark and gloomy, which I would hate. John Davies Spokane WA
    1 point
  27. I really don't think the type of person that would break into your trailer will be watching videos to see how they are constructed before crowbaring your door open.
    1 point
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