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MAX Burner

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Everything posted by MAX Burner

  1. So, we're working with Jason at OTT Sales and Service to see if OTT can get us in on Friday for the fresh water tank mod which requires the use of a set of specialized tools that I don't have - but they do. If the planets align themselves correctly over the next few days, we'll have the FWT mod configured such that we'll be able to access virtually all the water in the tank. As of now, we can get all but about 5 or 6 gallons out - if we tilt the nose up, we can get another gallon or so. Point being is that on short notice, i.e., Monday last, Jason did his best to make room for us by the end of the week. That's responsiveness in my book, we don't see that a lot these days. Even if it doesn't work out - his and his team's efforts trying to make it happen is clearly first-class, IMO. Gotta love these guys and gals here in Hohenwald...
  2. Nice set-up @Patriot! Glad to hear you've got into some nice eastern seaboard seafood... Ducking T-storms here at Hohenwald. Jason let me bring the rig under their huge metal awning during what I would call marble to golfball sized hail... No damage to report. Concerned more about the TV's windows and body panels than the Casablanca. IMG_1665.MOV Dodging the storm's bullets... Travel safe...
  3. Arrived at the "Mother Ship" mid-afternoon today. Mike, by happenstance, we also found ourselves in Site #3, no one here -- perhaps because there's a major T-storm headed this way from the southwest. Flood warnings and possible twisters from now until about 1645... Maybe not as peaceful as when y'all were here! The boys liked all the attention from Sarah and Josh in the showroom: The new bathroom door/hatch is fantastic on the 2024's -- it would be cool to see if it's retrofittable in older models. Gett'n real rainy here! More later... Cheers!
  4. We like fast... we do "lightning fast" real well! Kinda like the "speed of heat" or "as fast as a scalded APE!" (which is are both known to be very fast as well), HA!
  5. ....well, in our world, "ONE is NONE and TWO is ONE."
  6. Well, yesterday we spotted our first Cyber Truck in eastern OK - it was a silver model westbound on I-40 strapped, what appeared to be, very securely to the flat bed of a tow truck...???
  7. Dude! You're cracking me up, big time! Sally Fields will never be quite the same now!!!
  8. Hey, Bill, I know of one Ollie that's in FT Smith, AR with a couple Knuckleheads enroute to the rally via Hohenwald. How do I know? Because I'm sitting inside of it! HA! Check out a couple road-weary travelers: The boys put in a long day from Canyon, TX to Ft Smith, and it shows! Ha! Safe travels to all those owners headed to the rally!
  9. 100% concur, Steve - same rationale here... We're hauling our two cruisers to the rally - Oscar and Magnus get connected to the seat post lanyards and trot along with us. It's actually fairly hilarious watching the "dog/bike ride" drill. You'll see. HA! Greetings from Ft. Smith - Hohenwald tomorrow... Safe travels, ALL!
  10. My bride was raised in Chicago, too - and now (as of last November) our daughter lives/works there! Small world for sure and for certain...
  11. You're going to love the SL! Since D still works (from home) - SL makes the Casablanca home no matter where we find ourselves - totally gives us more options for "time on the road." Did you convert yours to 12vDC? Just curious... Travel safe - see you at the rally! Cheers!
  12. Checked it just now, FTR - with 3 bars/5G showing in the iPhone register, switching on the booster the signal strength jumped to 4 bars after several seconds, switching off, back to 3. We're not registered to anything, FYI. Better than nothing, I suppose...
  13. We spotted an Oliver yesterday on I-40 going westbound near Tucumcari, NM connected to a white pickup... any clues who they may have been? Staying at a HH near Palo Dura canyon and headed to FT Smith, AR this morning, we'll be on the look out for OTTs! Cheers!
  14. Tempting for sure! Upgrading to the 5.2k# Nev-R-Lubes this week in Hohenwald... Nice match with the Alcans. Will send updated posting of the process later this week for those interested.
  15. It's really a piece of cake to replace - just can't figure why RVLock doesn't use the heavy-duty replacement as OEM for the lock set to begin with???
  16. As the flexible solar module technology progresses - I'm thinking flex modules that contour to the roof lines would look cooler than the flat modules we have now. It would be nice to have 400-600watts up there mounted in a "stealthy" fashion...
  17. Nice, Mike. Enjoy it. Planning to be there Wednesday PM with the Knuckleheads for some OTT time... See y'all at the rally - safe travels, amigo!
  18. JFTR: Considering all the mods and upgrades we've made to our 2017 model, it would be cost-prohibitive to buy a new Ollie with the capabilities designed/engineered into ours... I'm thinking we'll stick with Hull #226, Casablanca, for the duration, even though it might be a good time to upgrade... We've got Casablanca where we want it. That's one of the key attributes of the Oliver Travel Trailer - except for a few minor design modifications since early days, its basically the same super-tough RV that Jim Oliver started with -- no reason to swap out, IMO. Roll-on! Cheers! A & D
  19. @Steph and Dud B - This might be a long-shot but it worked for us a while back, actually D's idea not mine. But configure your compressor head with a long outlet tube and hit the area of the ignitor, gas valve, and sail switch with compressed air (the general area that you can access from this section of the heater). Not super high, maybe 20-25psi. For us, it blew away any small debris/dust from the ignitor and it was able to light the burner. Good luck!
  20. Steve, how'd y'all like the thickness of the bronze bushings and the larger diameter of the Alcan eyelets? You've got the OEM 5-packs, if I'm remembering correctly (but I've slept a few times since we chatted about it), right? Just curious, were the Alcans heavier with the longer 2nd spring than your OEMs? D and I look forward to sharing more war stories with you and Tali next week - OBTW: I've informed the Knuckleheads that they'll be playing with Rocky soon! WOOF! Travel safe, amigo...
  21. Dave: 100% concur with your recommendation for @Wayfinder. The WX looks fair for the next week or so - even a little rainy condition wouldn't really hurt too much anyway. Just say'n... Travel safe, all -- Cheers!
  22. Concur, 100%, Carnivore! We believe the more maintenance, upgrades, and general OTT upkeep, the better you know and keep track of its status over the many years of usage. You'll know when shocks need an R&R drill, wet bolts needing a fresh squirt of lube, window tracks need a cleaning, a WH anode needs attention, etc., etc., etc... We'll need to compare notes on our spring pack R&R at the rally - I'm thinking we're parked real close to y'all. We'll be found in A-6. Safe travels, All! Cheers!
  23. Great snaps, brother - keep 'em com'n! Enjoy your Ollie Adventure in the Rockies... Cheers!
  24. "He" in the quote above, being Jim Oliver, is a great "new" frame of reference for the ruggedness factor (if there's such a thing) of our trailers. Thanks for mentioning that, Steve.
  25. Hey, John - awesome vid, brother! However, as a rule, D, the Knuckleheads, and I prefer the way-more less populated boondocking options - you and Chris should try it sometime. We just loath being "elbow-to-elbow" with other campers on public land. HA! (JK, of course!) Cheers!
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