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Everything posted by topgun2

  1. AS GJ says above - you should not be smelling anything. Read the directions on the grey tank cleaner that you bought and be thinking along the lines of really cleaning that tank. Also, when you have a few minutes to get under the galley sink, re-read my first post in this thread since it appears highly likely that you have this problem. Note that this is probably not an ongoing problem. I've only had to "un-stick" that valve once in going on nine years of Ollie travel. Bill
  2. Steve - I'm guessing that the attached really doesn't help you very much, but its all I have. Hope it helps some. Bill
  3. We are just past "peak" here is Western North Carolina with around 85% covered - only a small fingernail left showing. While it is partly cloudy there are enough breaks that a fairly good view can be obtained. Unfortunately though it didn't get dark enough for the birds to stop singing. Hopefully all of you in the "total" path get a chance to see the diamond ring! Bill
  4. Well - there is a "one way air valve" under the galley sink that prevents grey tank odors from coming back up through the sink drain. Every now and then this valve can become "stuck" and what you will get is almost exactly what you describe. The "fix" is to get under the sink and give that valve a couple of light to medium taps with a hammer or something similar. Don't overdo the taps. If that doesn't do it - get yourself some grey tank deodorant and follow the instructions. Good luck! Bill p.s. this stuff can be found in the RV section (usually near sporting goods) in many WalMarts, or at most RV places and (of course) Amazon like THIS STUFF
  5. Which reminds me of a "trick" I learned a number of years ago for a fridge in storage. After all contents of the fridge are removed and the fridge cleaned and dried, place some crumpled newspaper in both the fridge and freezer - it only takes 6 or 7 sheets. AS Patriot says - leave the fridge door cracked. When its time to get the Ollie out of storage, simply remove the newspaper, turn on the fridge and stock it. There will not be that funky fridge smell at all. Bill
  6. Yes - Foy and Mirna have hosted mini-rallies in Florida that have had more than 8 Ollies in attendance. 😎 Bill
  7. In looking back at Jason E's post that basically started what we know about the Service situation, it was mentioned that all current Service personnel will be staying with Oliver. Ya think? Hopefully we will know even more prior to the Rally. I suspect though that one of the "problems" will be trying to separate fact from fiction. In any case, certainly there will be more to come here on the Forum - tune in everyday for the next chapter. Bill p.s. I will miss not seeing you at the Rally!
  8. Pool noodles - simply use a razor blade to slit the noodle length wise and then shove it onto the edges of the solar panels. This will protect the cover. I have this exact situation and get around it with the use of a small external solar panel to charge the 4 AGM's that I keep onboard while my Oliver is in storage. Bill
  9. Yes -the English language is a wonderful thing. As is the wonderful world of statistics. Certainly it is possible that the Dexter axles ARE made in the USA. But, the other parts that are "attached" to those axles could be made in other countries. I thought I read in one of the posts above some calculations which basically tried to prove that there has been a relatively small number of Olivers that have had the type of spring failures identified in this thread. Is even one spring failure beyond what is acceptable? Just because something was made outside the USA doesn't necessarily mean that it is sub-standard or non-premium or less than luxury. Perhaps there was a "bad batch" of springs due to ?????. Or, perhaps there was an error in the assembly of certain "packs" of springs. Or, perhaps the conditions that certain Olivers have been subjected to have been outside the design boundaries of these springs. Or, etc., etc.,etc.. Is Oliver at "fault" in this regard because they purchased a component of the Oliver Travel Trailer from one of the most reputable axle suppliers in the USA? Is Dexter at "fault" in this regard because they purchased from a supplier in China and I assumed that they (Dexter) made sure that they (Dexter) was receiving what was paid for? I concur with what GJ says in this regard. Yes, it is each owner's best interest to inspect the suspension (and all other parts within reasonable bounds) - both now and into the future regardless of wherever parts were made or assembled. Bill
  10. Mad dogs and Englishmen? 😎
  11. Sure - but - its still fun to just sit there and count all that money I saved. 🤑 Ha Ha.
  12. Harbor Freight currently has what looks to be the same socket set at a "reduced price" of $10.99. It is SKU #96322. Bill
  13. Much better on the pic - thanks. Before putting Twist to bed in the late Fall I make sure to clean those tracks well - this includes taking the black tracks out of the channel. Then I use a CalMark cover over the winter and in the Spring those tracks are basically just as I left them in the Fall. A dehumidifier might help a little but I believe that the major help will be in the cleaning. Good luck. Bill
  14. John - I assume that the attachments in your post above are pics of your windows. Please repost those in that I do not believe that the ".heic" extension on those files is an acceptable format in the platform we are using for the Forum. Surely your location does not help given all the moisture you probably have. The solutions will all have to do with keeping those tracks clean and drained and a bit of moisture control. Bill
  15. Yes - and until you subscribe to the Reno paper that will keep popping up. Above under my post is basically what the Reno article says. Bill
  16. Reno road warriors get a new shiny option — literally — for travel as a new Airstream dealership rolls into town. Airstream of Reno will move into the former Dania Furniture location on Kietzke Lane near Grove Street, according to a permit filed with the city of Reno on Monday.22 hours ago Reno getting dealership for iconic Airstream travel trailers Reno Gazette Journal Apparently the Reno Gazette wants you to subscribe prior to letting you see the article. However, if you simply Google reno new airstream you get the above. Bill
  17. When you look into the toilet bowl you should see a black "ring/gasket" around the outside of the rounded part that moves when you step down on the pedal to flush. This gasket can get "stuff" stuck to it. "Stuff" can be all sorts of things to include mineral buildup. After cleaning the toilet you should gently wipe that gasket feeling for any deposits. If you can't get those deposits off and/or if the gasket is brittle then it can be replaced. On the other hand - if it seems to come clean you can then put a small amount of plumber's grease on it to keep it mineral free. Bill
  18. THIS list has now been available and is also referenced in other posts here on the Forum. Bill
  19. If anyone is in the St George area and has a little time - Look for the water tower that is located northeast of the center of town. Find a way to get to that water tower. Just prior (200 yards or so) to reaching the water tower there should be parking on the left side of the road. Park there, get out of the vehicle and start walking north (another 200 to 300 yards) - down a gentle slope to what is the bottom of an old stream bed. Walk the stream bed back to the east looking for tracks - big ones! Dino was here! Bill p.s. if it is anything like the last time I was there - do not take your Ollie. Both parking and turning around would be difficult. p.p.s. Snow Canyon (just west of St. George) is also a place to visit. p.p.p.s. GPS for the dino prints - 37.15604, -113.50169
  20. What "spin" and by whom? You're entitled to your opinion and so are others. Bill
  21. OK - It appears that there were a few "issues" but mainly it was a combination of storage and technical data base things that were the source. It now appears that all is back to normal thanks to the great work (again) by Jason W. Bill
  22. Obviously- from the post above the ability to upload photos is also back with us. I missed you guys/gals! Bill
  23. I don't - yet - know what the problem(s) were but we are back in business. At least as far as the main Forum goes. Regret the downtime. I will post more when I know it. Bill
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