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Everything posted by ScubaRx

  1. We're not that far from the factory. If you want extra outlets installed, bring your trailer to our house after your pickup and together we'll put outlets any where you want them. Won't cost you a dime.
  2. Jairon, I'm not a sales guy or an Oliver employee, just a long time happy owner attempting to offer you good advice and an easy, logical alternative to your problem. I can tell you that Oliver will not add any personal options during your build. They will, however, add them after the fact in the service department. This will cost extra. I understand that it seems counter productive (from a customer's viewpoint) to do it that way, but it is the business model that Oliver has adopted and they stand firmly behind it. I spoke with one of the sales personnel at the factory this morning. It appears that in the 2020 models all the 120v outlets that were down low at the rear on previous models were removed. Why...??? They were replaced with one 120v outlet on the underside of the attic storage area on one side and a 12v (USB?) "charging station" on the other side. The word on the street is there will be a different arrangement in the 2021 models but, it is as yet undetermined.
  3. Outlets are so easy to install, just do them yourself post delivery. Pick where you want them to be, cut a hole for a box, run the wires from the nearest outlet and Bob’s your uncle. Don’t worry about overloading a circuit, it won’t happen unless you try to run too many things at the same time. Just adding an extra outlet will not affect anything.
  4. I am impressed with each of your culinary skills. I wish I had some of your talent. However, I did cook a Ballpark hotdog in a George Foreman grill the other day!
  5. I bought a 16 ton hydraulic crimper off eBay for under $50. I have used it for everything from crimping 4/0 cable to fixing my glasses. Yep, glasses. You can easily make your own dies for it and crimp (or crush) just about anything.
  6. We were there a couple of years ago. Our plan was to spend one night, but at $5/night (geezer pass) including Electricity with a water spigot a hose length away we ended up staying 3-4 days. There's a lot to see in the area.
  7. How well does it operate without the duck? Never mind, just messin' with you!
  8. We hang one of the ubiquitous Walmart bags on the latch of the closet. As David said, it's "...only marginally in the way going in or out..." And, the dogs have never bothered it when they are alone in the trailer. We use the dinette constantly, eating or working during the day or evening, made down into Reacher's bed at night so anything under it is in the way.
  9. If I leave the trailer unplugged and out of the sun, I will be down a couple hundred amps in about two weeks. I discovered this quite by accident recently. My measured phantom draw is about 10 amps/day. Theoretically, the batteries should last about three weeks at that rate, but my AGM's are at least 7 years old and, like the old gray mare, they ain't what they used to be! For the more mathematically curious, 0.4 amps/hour x 24 hour = 9.6 amps per day.
  10. There are brands of Lithium batteries that would fit into the tray of the Elite. Oliver’s choice of Brand is “Lifeblue”. Theirs is a larger footprint than the standard sizes. They are working on a solution to the issue.
  11. I believe it may be due to room in the battery tray.
  12. We run across them on the road on occasion. This one was in 2018 at Scotts Bluff National Monument in western Nebraska.
  13. So, can we drop by when we come to Pemaquid Point?
  14. A while back, we settled on this set up for our water purification. It has worked well for us many years now. It's quick, easy to set up and make friends with all the surrounding campers.
  15. Mike and Elizabeth, I wish you many future good times.
  16. I would be willing to install this just to eliminate all the grease zerks.
  17. Sometimes when you run the jack up too far, the torque converter in it will get jammed/cross-threaded/buggered (pick a term you like). At any rate, the motor is unable to make the internal screw turn up or down. This happened to me several years ago. I put the jack handle on it and really had to push/pull hard to break it loose. But, once done, it operated normally and has ever since. Remember, it may be hard to break loose.
  18. That hole is not in my jacks. It appears that it has been drilled and tapped.
  19. I put two lights in the basement. The one visible in the photos and an identical one nearer the outside access door. They are controlled by two 3-way switches, one just inside the outer basement door and one inside the trailer down low, to the right of the basement access hatch. Both of these switches have auxiliary indicator lights so you know that the basement light is on.
  20. Hobo, I will post some photos of the basement interior as seen through the lower access door. I'm not sure what you are referring to when you say "tray." I believe what you are seeing may be the aluminum plate that is mounted to the interior of the outer hull to support the spare tire carrier mounted on the outside. That is the reflective area in the upper half of the opening. There is a light mounted in the basement in the center of that area that is "on" in the picture as indicated by the lighted switch to the right of the door. A quick description of the area aft of the door: This area drops off into a "well", the floor of which, is 10" below the bottom of the hatch and is about 6" below the surrounding basement floor.
  21. There was an Oliver owner near us that was having trouble with two of his batteries. We took those two out of service so they would not pull his other two down with them. He went to the big tent and looked at all the different brands of lithium. He came over to the solar tracker booth I was helping with and asked me to go with him to look at the Lion Energy battery. That was when I asked the factory rep to explain about the warranty. The Oliver owner bought a set and installed them while we were at Quartzsite.
  22. While at Quartzsite this past winter, I spoke at length with the Factory rep for the Lion Energy Safari UT1300 battery. They advertise a limited lifetime warranty. I asked him to explain exactly how that would work. He stated that if one of their battery's ever fail for any reason other than physical damage (like a shattered case) it would be replaced at no cost to the owner, no questions asked. At the show we could buy them for $775.00 each, out the door. They seemed like the best buy on the market to me. Now if my seven year old Trojan AGM's would play out...just kidding.
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