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Everything posted by topgun2

  1. It will be good to see you again - thanks for joining us! Bill
  2. There are a number of these types of checklists available here on the Forum that can be found via the "Search" function at the top of this page. You might want to start with one of THESE. Bill
  3. Yes on the forklift - no on the shade trees (there is a relatively small landscaped area but the new tree in there will take years before it produces enough shade to make an ant stop sweating). The entrance to the Service area can be seen in the Galway pictures above - no more than 100 yards from the farthest campsite (total distance traveled). Bill
  4. Mossemi put me on to the Hitch Vise a couple of years ago. I did double nut the two bolts that hold it on the receiver just to make sure that it didn't come loose. It is a great product to help eliminate rattles and slop in that area. But, back to the Andersen - while there are a couple of people that still use the WDH with a 3/4 ton truck, the vast majority do not. Bill
  5. Looks good to me. Since I always carry mine with me while towing I chose an inexpensive one so that I would not be terribly disappointed when/if it broke. I check it a couple time a year to make sure that it is still within a reasonable zone of calibration. The one I bought for the Ollie is THIS. Is it the best - no. Is it precise - probably not but it is good enough for the job at hand (lug nuts). Bill
  6. Even distress beacons have potential "issues" - they usually need a clear view of the sky to be totally effective for instance. Relatively simple things should be learned prior to venturing far afield. Something as simple as following a drainage downhill has saved a number of people from unpleasant circumstances. Even a compass can break or a map can be lost or glasses can be of no use. Here on this Forum we constantly repeat instructions to new or prospective owners to read, read, read and learn, learn, learn so that they can be more comfortable and in control of their Oliver (or any travel trailer for that matter). These same things can be said for those venturing into places that are beyond their experience, knowledge or abilities. A person who only uses their travel trailer in commercial campgrounds does not necessarily need to have the same level of expertise as another owner who routinely ventures well off the beaten path. But, in any case, there is virtually always something new to learn. Bill
  7. Jim_Oker Close enough - price elasticity will almost always change depending on where you are looking on the curve and at what time (or times) you are looking. Your point was well taken. Bill
  8. A couple of three foot sections of pex pipe and an assortment of "Sharkbite" fittings - 90 degree, straight. There is a thread here on the Forum where this is covered in some detail where opinions ranging from extra fittings to extra water pumps is covered. Bill
  9. Yes, probably too harsh considering the entire continuum of all possibilities. What about the added protection against theft - aren't those "Lectric bikes"? Or, the enhanced front end collision protection to the vehicle? And, a good downpour would help to wash them off versus all that dust that is kicked up on the back of the camper going down dirt roads. There just must be other reasons but it is simply too early in the morning to ..... Bill
  10. In the "special" case of the owner of that Ollie there is no telling what all of the uses of it are for.😁 But, Mossemi slightly modified this bike rack so that it would fit on the front of their Oliver and the "normal" use for it is to carry their bikes. A Forum search should produce a thread that shows how he did it. Bill
  11. Some owners have placed the gutters far enough above the windows so that they still have plenty of access to the caulked area. I placed mine as close to the window as possible and have never looked back. Perhaps the gutters give some extra protection to this area but there does not appear to be any sign of degradation of the caulk. Of course in the event that I would have an issue, my plan would be to simply remove the gutter, fix the window/caulk and then replace the gutter with new - it is not that expensive. Bill
  12. There are three little dots at the upper right hand side of each post. Left click on those and a drop down menu will appear that will show the word "edit". Left click on edit and have at it. Bill
  13. Tons of questions can be answered simply by reading through the various posts on the Forum. I've never been on the Escape Forum but I know that there is a ton of information here. Have fun exploring and if we can be of help - simply ask. In addition to what JD says above, be aware that Oliver Sales reps will not "bug" you or put pressure on you in any way. They are a very helpful bunch! Welcome. Bill
  14. I'd like to help you if I could. However, I have no clue as to who, what or where this "R&D Team" is located within the Oliver structure. If you wish your viewpoint to be heard within Oliver then I'd suggest that you send a letter and/or email in this regard to Scott Oliver. Bill
  15. King - As one of the first and few that have set up the twin bed plan as a bed and a couch - its really nice to see another out there in the real world - looks great too especially with the warmth of the wood. Hopefully you will be at the 2022 Owner's Rally and we will have a chance to talk. Congrates! Bill
  16. Here is one with a similar lever. At this point (Sunday evening), I'd call Oliver Service first thing in the morning (Monday) and see if they could tell you: 1. how that lever attaches to the valve stem 2. how soon they can get a replacement lever and/or valve to you. Good luck! Bill
  17. Do the rest of your water valve "levers" look like the one pictured in the upper right hand corner?
  18. There's a price to pay for that 14 years of wonderful times in an early Ollie! 😁 Seriously, I got a list of these numbers with my 2016.
  19. Did you use the water heater by-pass valves as per the video to isolate the water heater from the rest of the system? If you did do this at the beginning of the winterization procedure - the - you are OK. If not then you most likely used a bunch more antifreeze versus what you would have used otherwise. Bill
  20. I would NOT make that assumption. In the past, Oliver did record these numbers and give them to new owners along with their Owner's Manual. I'd bet that about the time that Oliver stopped doing this was about the time they started tracking the numbers in their system. 😊 Bill
  21. I just got an email from TechnoRV.com about their black Friday sale that is going on now. TPMS, GPS, Viair compressors, cameras, GasStop, etc. are on sale. But you have to give them your email address in order to get the sale prices. Bill p.s. I have no affiliation with these guys other than having purchased a couple of items from them in the past.
  22. It's always great to be back home. But, I do know what you mean about missing the road. Bill
  23. As has been pointed out before, Oliver management does not routinely monitor this Forum. There are a couple of individuals who do look at it but I think that the word "monitor" is too strong. I do not believe that this lack of monitoring is by design or purposeful, but, it is due to the fact that virtually all of these people wear a bunch of hats and are simply too busy with all these hats to spend copious amounts of time here. For instance - the person that is responsible for keeping things running smoothly here is also responsible for doing that exact same thing for every department throughout all of the Oliver companies. In addition there is the job of investigating and implementing new soft (and hard) ware. He has also been involved in video production, photo shoots and marketing material design (brochures to t-shirts), etc. SeaDawg's advice is absolutely correct. Bill
  24. If you decide to go this route then simply take a picture of how your batteries are wired prior to taking them out of the Ollie. Then, rewire them in exactly the same manner when you store them and attach the NOCO alligator clips to the terminals where the main wires (negative - black and positive - red) from the Oliver were attached. Plug in the NOCO and it will do the rest keeping all four batteries charged as long as there is 110 volt power supplied to the NOCO - walk away.
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