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Everything posted by topgun2

  1. Hi Carol! What a ray of sunshine she is.
  2. Since you mentioned it in the original post above, I would tend to stay away from Fall Hollow Campground unless you can determine that improvements have been made over the past year or so. The last time I stopped there the couple that now owns it were working on it, but, there was a bunch that needed to be done to include cleaning up some of the campers that were there. Bill
  3. If you really wish to test those boondocking systems then the Meriwether Lewis campground over on the Natchez Trace Parkway might be of interest. It is only a few short miles from the factory and you can get water there - but - there are no electric or sewer sites. Bill
  4. Sure do hope you never "forget" to chock those tires before unhitching! Really nice view though. Bill
  5. John - Really, the best way to get up to date "factual" information of this sort would be to contact an Oliver Sales agent and ask. They do not pressure you or bug you. They really are there to help you. Good luck! Bill
  6. NO! All Olivers are too heavy for the vehicle you mention. Bill
  7. I ditto what is said above. And, would add a proviso that you consider what your own financial situation can handle. Once the original components are out of warranty can you afford to quickly replace an air conditioner or fridge? These extended warranties are basically insurance policies. If you can afford to self-insure it is highly likely that you will gain in the long run. Bill
  8. I have not heard of any changes that would make for a dry bath in the Elite II. Why do you ask? Bill
  9. chiwald - I know that Mike and Carol are "on the road" right now, so, they might take a couple of days to get back to you. Bill
  10. Indeed - I'd bet that the converter is actually that rectangle shaped near the front of the transmission in the right photo and that the other two similarly shaped (cone at each end) parts are simply resonators. Bill
  11. Unfortunately, as with many things, the answer is - "it depends". The usual questions - is the Oliver protected in any way - i.e. is it sheltered near a building or covered. Will there be much wind. Is the interior of the Ollie heated - or - can it be heated. Do you have (or can you easily get) the necessary materials for at least a partial winterization. While I believe that your main tanks and interior will be OK at this temperature for this amount of time, I'd be a bit concerned about those areas that are a bit more exposed - the check valves for the water inlets and the exterior shower. A simple hand pump and way less than a gallon of RV anti-freeze would take care of the inlets and (probably) leaving the exterior shower valves (hot and cold) open along with the showerhead left open would be enough to protect these areas for the conditions you predict. But, I think that you are near the edge of what I'd be comfortable with. Bill
  12. This thread is like a trip down memory lane for me ! Caught my first marlins (one blue and one white on the same day) out off the Baltimore Canyon from Ocean City. Thrasher's french fries on the boardwalk. Flounder fishing and crabbing in the bay. Digging for cherry clams with my toes (couldn't afford a clam rake) in the mud flats. Crab cakes in a little dive bar in Suicide, MD. So many places to explore in that Oliver and add to the great memories. Bill
  13. I spent some summers of my youth at a Boy Scout camp on the Chesapeake Bay and learned to sail there - a beautiful part of our country. Glad to have you here and it really is not too early to gather info, plan your Ollie and even start planning your adventures. Please let us know if we can help. Bill
  14. Yes - in many cases owners have installed both a cell booster and a WiFi booster. Apparently it is a good thing to keep these two devices separate and the factory usually mounted the WiFi in the front with the cell in the back for this reason. Bill
  15. Glad you saw that Oliver, glad you toured the factory and glad you have not only joined the family but have also joined (officially) us here on the Forum. Welcome! Bill
  16. Those knobs are metal as is the "bolt" it is on. However, even metal can and will crack (particularly in colder weather) if struck either just right or too hard. Tapping is a bit more like it. Bill
  17. That sure is sweet! Nice new Ollie and happy owners too. Safe travels while having that "fun". Bill
  18. Within the past two years I was told that for several reasons Oliver had structured so that production actually did/does sell finished units to the Sales area who then, in turn, sells them to the final retail customer. Probably the first reason had to do with Tennessee state accounting rules/tax laws that require this form of structure. But, it was also done to allow for an additional level of quality control. Bill
  19. Duane - Assuming that you do not mean that it is "frozen" due to below freezing temps and water then you can always used the spray can form of Liquid Wrench - heck even WD-40 would probably be enough if that is all you can find. If you go this route then some light taps with a hammer, wrench, ratchet extension, etc. would help to loosen it up once sprayed. Obviously, if its a water issue with freezing temps then a simple hair dryer used to warm it up is probably enough. Good luck! Bill
  20. Boudicca908 Don't forget - registering for the Rally is a two set process. First - call the camp ground and get a site. Second - Register for the rally itself with Oliver. Look forward to seeing you there! Bill
  21. Do I foresee a delayed Valentine's Day happening here? Welcome! Bill
  22. In almost all situations that I can think of - your black tank valve should be left in the closed position until you decide to drain it. This would include flushing with the flush port. The theory here is that the more water (liquids actually) in the tank provides inertia for any solids thus helping them move along down the pipe inside the Oliver and through the "stinky slinky". The only possible exception to this is after I have filled the black tank a couple of times via the flush port, I will leave the tank valve open and let it flush for a minute of two. I believe that this helps get any "final" little stuff off the walls and bottom of the tank. Bill
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