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Everything posted by topgun2

  1. Welcome - a bit late. You're going to love it. Safe travels and let us know if we can help you. Bill
  2. I didn't ask nor did I hear anything - sorry. Bill
  3. Both for those that missed attending this year's Rally and for those that were there, Steve's Road Trip Chronicles has posted the first of a two part series about his experience at the Rally. This part one includes remarks from Rodney Lomax at the opening reception. A big thanks to Steve (and Oreo) for posting this! Bill https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AhTMweTUB8&ab_channel=Steve'sRoadTripChronicles
  4. Next time for sure - great breaking bread with you two. Certainly IMO you surely over kicked your coverage - what a delightful partner you caught. Only "problem" is she kept after me about eating green things.😁 Also, I've got a bone to pick - I hear that coffee was delivered to someone near and dear - what am I - chopped liver?πŸ˜‡ Get home safe! Bill
  5. I don't know about that "face" part but I really enjoyed our visit. Glad you didn't have to get wet/drowned in that storm.β›ˆοΈ Bill
  6. There are many stories here on the Forum that show the generosity and kindness that is shown when one Ollie owner helps another. However, during the Rally there were a number of angels among us that deserve a special mention. First - while I do not have all the names of all the people involved with the team led by Steve Landrum (ScubaRx) and Mike Mossey (Mossemi) who replaced the bushings on Coy's trailer, all those that were involved deserve a big pat on the back. Those people were there from 1pm until after 8pm getting that job done - even through a sudden t-storm. Nice job guys (and lady)! And, this brings us to the second set of angels. As that storm suddenly hit (high wind and heavy rain), Krunch Mossey was at their Ollie down by the lake. Unfortunately, as the wind and rain hit she was unable to retract the awning that had been left out and that awning was just about to sail away. At this point the 4 guys from CGI Detailing (Colin, Gavin, Gauge and Denver) just happened to be cruising by and saw that Krunch was in trouble. They immediately hopped out of the truck and saved that awning. Getting back in the truck (soaking wet) they proceeded to drive around the camping area looking for others that just might need help. They found two more campers - one holding down a Clam shelter while the other was trying to save the awning on their Casita. Again, these four hard working guys came to the rescue. Those of us that have used the services of CGI Detailing already know what fine hard working men the guys are. Certainly they deserve a big pat on the back from all of us for helping while fellow members of the RV community were in trouble. Thanks to all those involved in the above situations. Your selfless actions are appreciated by us all! Bill
  7. Either way - not the end of the world as we know it. I'd flush the heck out of both tanks and call it a day. Bill
  8. Sure - but that means that you only have to do 1/2 as much stuff in order to still have a great Ollie!πŸ˜‡ Bil
  9. Steve - What is your absolute "cut-off" date and time for this project? Bill
  10. Just wait until you see that very same river in Gunthersville!
  11. Yep = Call Service or send them an email or open a Service ticket telling them what you need. Bill
  12. If you are referring to the end of the pipe that is inside the fresh water tank and is used for pickup then I don't think that there is supposed to be one in that location. The screen in/on the water pump takes care of that issue. Bill
  13. As far as I know - the answer is yes. Bill
  14. Hope that everyone from middle TN eastward made it through last night without issue. Here is western NC the storms blew through at around 2am - bunches of lightening, wind and rain. Now at 10:15am even the light rain has stopped and it is forecast to be a glorious weekend for Mother's Day. Bill
  15. Actually - The original design of the mod that Oliver uses for the fresh water tank was done by a former owner - Raspy. His design is actually fairly simple provided that you have the correct tools - and - know how to use them. The repair in the hands of someone who has done the repair before only takes a few minutes (its called spin welding). JD's repair was primarily based on the fact that he was loath to even think about returning to a location east of the Mississippi River and he (as many others) didn't have the tools and/or skill level to spin weld. As I recall - Raspy was given an award by Oliver for his design. Only a couple of these awards have ever been given by the Company (I believe that another one of these few is our very own ScubaRx). Bill
  16. Yes, if they have the facilities. After all - they have to get their reputation for "good service" from somewhere.πŸ˜‰
  17. Are you interested in a full cover or only a rooftop cover? CalMark custom makes a full cover for the Oliver but it does not have a reflective top (nor will they make one for you with a reflective top). There are other (usually less expensive) covers that fit the Ollie too and they have been mentioned from time to time here on the Forum. Good luck in getting what you need. Bill
  18. With all that has and is going on in the Service area I'd say to give them a bit more time. With the Rally coming up and owners stopping by for service on the way I'm sure things are rather busy for the guys/gal. While its not the best looking, I'm guessing that your steps are still functional. Bill
  19. Too late! I know of at least 4 Ollies that are already on the road heading towards the Rally. However, thanks for (once again) honcho (ing) this deal. Bill
  20. You da man! My fingers can't type that fast!
  21. The closer you get to the Rally - the more you will see! Safe travels to all that are (or soon will be) on the road to the Rally. Please be careful out there. Bill
  22. It would be helpful if you listed your hull #, model and year in your signature line. That way we would know a little better just exactly how to answer your questions. Bill
  23. Aren't we all?😁 There just has to be somewhere else to buy that replacement part! Many times the cost via the Oliver Service department isn't bad. Bill
  24. While there is a ton of water to be fished around this lake you will not see too many people with a fly rod in their hands. Certainly there are pan fish and you can also fish for large mouth bass (this is one of the best fisheries in the world for large mouth) and from personal experience I can tell you that both will take a fly. I'm sure that the State Park Marina can put you in touch with fishing guides. Good luck! Bill
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