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Everything posted by rich.dev

  1. @Clint and Kris When you get it fixed please update this thread/let us know on how and what the problem was.
  2. Lol yup would be very uncourteous to the guy behind you! The guy in the video says he always stores it there empty.
  3. Here’s a genius way to store your tote, don’t think we have the clearance though!
  4. Nice, send some pics when you have them installed.
  5. Agreed 100%, wish we had the option of a manual awning!
  6. Nope vents are still in the battery door, the drop down table replaced the bottom vent for the “old” 3 way fridge
  7. Lol…we were also looking to downsize to a 23CB or 23 flying cloud with twin beds, but then we saw an Oliver on YouTube, we loved the “sterile” clean look, and of course when we saw one in person it was a no brainer. Have you looked at one in person? @SeaDawg maybe move this to an existing or new “Oliver wannabe” thread?
  8. Welcome, we went from a 2016 AS 26RBT (twin beds) to a 2023 LEII. I absolutely loved the layout of the 26RBT, but I have to say the quality of the Oliver is much better!
  9. We have a 2023 and there’s no DC sub-panel in the attic.
  10. @KatjoDid the triangle jacks make a difference? If yes which ones did you get?
  11. Yup that’s true, same as the Proven Industries hitch lock, if they want it they will take it…..t’s just a good deterrent!
  12. Promising update from Jason… “I am currently working with a company for a latch that is promising that has several unique key codes so the code would only duplicate about every 50 – 125 keys. I have not yet received the new latch & will have to do some R&D and then get engineering approval but you might reach back out to me in a few months”
  13. I like it a lot, works wonderfully, I don’t have to use the latch, I can leave the door open when there is a breeze and the door stays where I put it….and no more fly away door!😊
  14. Done, I drilled through both layers in the door jam/outer frame. I’m not sure it’s fibreglass, but when I drilled through the 2nd layer and removed the drill bit there were what looked like white pieces stuck in the drill bit grooves. Weird, I also got mine from Amazon and the screws were 1 3/4” long. I drilled the additional fastener holes in the door outer frame side hinge.
  15. The screws that come with the Lippert hinges are loooong, did you drill through both “layers” in the outer frame to accommodate the long screws? In my picture you can see the hole through the outside layer of the outer frame, but if you look closely there’s an inner layer (I think fibreglass) that I have to drill through to get those screws in. Thanks!
  16. Here are some good fuel saving tips from Jared https://youtu.be/zXZHqyGsW7E
  17. Can’t help you with your leak, but if you paste “site:olivertraveltrailers.com forum propane leak” without the quotes into Google search you will have better results than searching the Oliver forum.
  18. And I can confirm that the cut keys for the style 9 lock are also all keyed the same, part# is M1-525-39-S008, freely available on Amazon!
  19. Received a response from Jason, sounds like the cut keys are also all the same key code...... Hey Rich, I reached out regarding the lock style 9 with key, however they informed me that the keys are not unique. It is just a little nicer heavier duty key but they would all be the same key code. This is something that I have already passed up to engineering to look into as I have been wanting to have a true lock ever since we started using the lithium batteries. I know it is on the engineering list of things to research but I don’t know how quickly it will make it to the top of the list. Regards, Jason D. Essary
  20. Might be the water pump pressure valve, check this video https://youtu.be/0vemzasAdRY
  21. John, your price is right. I believe it's people who are not really familiar with Oliver and do not grasp/understand the value of all your mods!
  22. Awesome thanks, I’ll check ‘‘em out as well!
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