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Everything posted by mossemi

  1. This is an old topic, it seems that every generation of forum members has complained about the forum search capabilities. Thank you for bumping it and adding to the discussion. This link covers the topic as well. Mossey
  2. If you fixed the fridge, can you elaborate? It might help someone else in the future, maybe me.šŸ˜Š Mossey
  3. Correct on the 4/0 cable routing and the main fuse is OEM 300 amp. Mossey
  4. Yep! Thatā€™s all folkā€™s! Mossey
  5. This is a trick I learned while tent camping in Alaska. You never want to unzip a tent door in the middle of the night, because youā€™ll never get back to sleep with all of the mosquitoes you let in. And itā€™s really cheap. Now if I could just get Krunch to use this bottle, Iā€™d really be saving black tank capacity.šŸ˜‰ Mossey
  6. I would suggest meandering, you will enjoy the rally programs and discussions a great deal by having that knowledge and experience. And you will be able to contribute to the everyoneā€™s questions about the newest Ollieā€™s. Mossey
  7. I know 18 months is a long way off, but count me in as well. Mossey
  8. If the spare sections of PEX arenā€™t secured, I would recommend that you do that. I have a spare section floating around out of sight in the lower hull. These pictures should be self explanatory, but if not, let me know. I did rework the B+ and B- cables to work with the battery cut off switch, battery + and -, and the Victron shunt. And I will second Overland's suggestion about the hydraulic crimpers. With careful planning, you can crimp new lugs on while the 4/0 cable is on your work bench or while the still in the lower hull. I removed my B+ cable from the main Oliver fuse and the inverter, which enabled me to make up those shorter cables on the work bench all out of the original cable. The Oliver B- cable was moved from the inverter to the shunt and I purchased a new 4' piece of 4/0 and lugs to complete the negative side cables. Mossey View from the rear dinette hatch View from the front hatch of the street side bed
  9. I have a couple of questions about the OP's pictures. What is the relay for in picture #1 and the water supply lines in picture #3 are on top of the grey water tank and that seems to be a new location that I havenā€™t noticed before. Mossey
  10. For all OTTO's, present, future and wannabes, a Guntersville State Park campground map for reference Mossey
  11. The Veterans Express is about 2 miles west of us. So we take it north or south, going or coming to/from US 98. 98 to 19 and itā€™s usually clear sailing from Crystal River. If we are heading up the east coast then 301 comes into play after 75 to 326 north of Ocala. Although I like Georgia State Parks in general, they are expensive. So North Florida camping at 50% off have my attention. And of course US 41 is an option, it was all we had before I-75, when heading to Illinois to visit Gramma and Grampa. Mossey ditto: @Kirk Peterson, I apologize for the thread drift.
  12. When I am heading north or south on US 98 to or from the Oliver rally at Guntersville Lake State Park or Huntsville for dog test, I like to stay at Falling Waters, Torreya or Three Rivers State Parks in Florida or Eastbank COE campground near Bainbridge, GA. If Iā€™m in a hurry I will head for White Oak Creek, a COE campground just south of Eufaula, AL when heading north. And the Cracker Barrel near Montgomery, AL is very friendly to overnight guest and the garbage truck comes through about 5AM giving me an early start. I'll try any road as long as it keeps me off of I-75. Mossey
  13. ā„ļøšŸˆ / 256 Your subtlety is killing me! Mossey
  14. This picture is for reference purposes only. Both drawbars are Andersen products. Mossey
  15. Ya mean I have to look for another subtle reference? DagNabbit
  16. That was very subtle! I never made the connection before. Mossey
  17. Just so you know, I thought Grace was spectacular in Conan The Destroyer! Mossey
  18. And we were looking forward to seeing you again as well as your new trailer. Have a good time at Expo West and maybe 2023 will be the year you get back to Guntersville State Park. Mossey
  19. 11-27 to 11-30, 2021 Eastbank COE campground near Bainbridge, GA. Very nice campground with clean facilities and grounds. And the heated shower house was a bonus as the low temps were 50, 34 and 37 our 3 mornings there. Mossey
  20. 11-10-2021 Overnight stop while traveling. White Oak Creek COE campground near Eufaula, AL. Very typical for COE campgrounds. It is clean, waterfront and cheap for old people. And they even had the heat on in the shower building. Sweet. Mossey
  21. I guess itā€™s time for me to try selling my Ollie! I probably wonā€™t be able to find anybody that wants to buy a used trailer with an air conditioner that nobody likes, but it does keep me cool when I use it. Not to mention the junk brake system that left skid marks when I made a hard stop last week. And the Andersen WD hitch ball has some chrome worn off, maybe I should replace it before it kills a potential sale. But wait a minute! My Ollie is the only RV I have ever owned, which also makes it the best RV I have ever owned! So maybe Iā€™ll just keep it, warts and all. What I should probably do is stay off the forum and avoid all of the expert opinions trying to convince me that I bought a piece of poop. I think Iā€™ll just make a better effort to remember my motherā€™s sage advice, ā€œif you donā€™t have something nice to say, keep your mouth shut". Maybe Iā€™ll join Facebook, I heard itā€™s a great place to get information and I just might find somebody like me, that likes their Ollie! Sorry, I do know the rules for capitalizing some words, but I think may be a form of shouting, so I left those out. And if I offended someone, I didnā€™t mean to, I was just going with the flow of the postings that stuck in my mind today. Peace, Out! Mossey
  22. šŸ¤¢ I always thought this emoji represented envy and every time I felt envious, maybe it was really jealousy. Mossey
  23. I would conduct a water leak test around the outside light fixture above the window. Mossey
  24. Thatā€™s when you test the air conditioning system. šŸ˜Š Mossey
  25. I was born in Florida a long time ago and I have never seen of a June bug that I am aware of. We do have Lovebugs the arrive in May and again in September that will leave a windshield looking like that though. The Lovebug has been in Florida since the 1940's, but really became a nuisance in the early 70's as I remember it. Mossey And this is how they usually look after "hooking up"šŸ˜
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