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Everything posted by topgun2

  1. Liana - Given your hull number I suspect that you have the "touch" lights (i.e. you touch or push them to turn them on)? If this is the case then about all you can do is get replacements from Service. Bill
  2. Two big thumbs up on that TPMS! Good for you! Bill
  3. OK - great - we are making progress! I agree with bhncb - the inverter is actually working and producing AC (alternating current or 120 volts). The GFCI he mentions is the next thing in the line to check. Easy to do if you have one of THESE or THESE. Lacking a tester then about all you can do is "trip" the GFCI and then reset the GFCI. This is done via the two buttons located on the front of the GFCI outlet. Make sure that you do this a couple of times - you should hear the GFCI "click" when you test it. Bill Bill
  4. I apologize if I missed the fact that you are boondocking - of course there is no power pedestal. This actually makes things a bit simpler. The transfer switch should have nothing to do with your issues. However, the inverter is central to getting you from 12 volts to the 120 volts you are looking for. As far as I know, the surge suppressor doesn't come into play when you are using the inverter. Therefore it would be normal for it to be blank. I assume that you have tried to turn on your inverter via the remote switch. But, have you tried turning it on via the "on/off" switch located on the inverter itself?
  5. Most of these things are really not "necessary" for you to enjoy your Oliver. However, they do make the experience more relaxing and or easier or safer than it would be without them. They tend to save you time, energy, worry and simply make the whole camping/traveling experience more enjoyable because you spend less time working, thinking, worrying and more time doing what you really want to do. It will not be long now and your delivery will pass you by as if being played in triple fast speed. Try to resist buying anything but what you feel is necessary and then add later depending on your style of travel and camping. Bill
  6. I'm a bit surprised that one of our more qualified electrical members hasn't chimed in on your initial question with help. There are a number of reasons that are possible for your problem. If you simply move the slide switch in your picture to the "bypass" position then you will feed electricity directly from the campground pedestal to your Ollie without protection. If you decide to try this then I'd suggest that you turn off everything that you can - i.e. run the fridge on Propane, turn off the solar panels, turn off the air conditioner, unplug the microwave, and even turn off the furnace so that if there is a "problem" with the electricity being provided via that pedestal you don't ruin something and/or compound the issues you may be having. Have you checked the pedestal for polarity, grounding, voltage regularity, etc.? Have you checked your shore power cable - connections ends and for signs of wear? Bill
  7. Just goes to show how lazy I really am! My six inch by 11 inch wood blocks are either placed on their sides (6 inches) on on their ends (11 inches) depending on how much room I have. Certainly as Mike points out - the less you have to extend the on-board jacks , the better - whether that be for leveling or for changing a tire. Bill
  8. Actually it was JED above that suggested the Lego blocks and they are good to have on board. Having said this - I've only actually used my legos one time in the last seven years! Bill
  9. Most travel trailers do not have disk brakes. There are several members of this Forum that consider our drum style brakes to be "garbage". However, over the years these drums and brakes have done the job in a simple, cost effective manner without major difficulty. If one keeps them clean and in good repair they should give you years of trouble free service. Having said this - there is little question that disk brakes perform better over a higher range of conditions as opposed to drum brakes. But, RV's are not sport cars or airplanes. Nor are they normally subjected to the same kinds of wear and tear as even our daily drivers. Bill
  10. Depending on the situation - a single Andersen leveler may or may not be enough to get that tire off the ground. Therefore, Frank C's suggestion of carrying some form of "blocks"* (certainly these can be "lego" style that JD mentions)** in order to take lateral "pressure" off the onboard jack is worth considering. Also, as per Frank C - keep the Ollie attached to your tow vehicle and clock the opposite side. Try to find as level a spot to do the repair as possible - most roads and their shoulders are sloped such that if the flat tire is on the curbside it will require you to lift more weight than necessary. Finally, if there is any doubt then call for help. The couple of hours that you might save by doing the job yourself is simply not worth the possible negative outcomes. Bill *I carry both wood blocks and lego style blocks. The wood blocks can be had free either around your own workshop or by "scrounging". ** note - these lego style blocks can also be used for help in leveling the tongue when the throw of that jack is simply not long enough to get your Ollie level from front to back. Or when the Andersen's need a bit of extra help. Or when your outside grill can't find a level spot. Or when .....
  11. Unless someone here has the specific details as to which hulls got which axles at which time - there are a few Ollies that received axles other than the 3,500 pound ones that are the norm - I'd suggest a call to the Service Department. They can look up your specific build and tell you what you have. Bill
  12. This whole sub-topic about battery fires is no joke! I had a laptop charging in my office here at home and at about 10:30 pm I heard what sounded like a 22 rifle going off. I rushed down the hall from the master bedroom to find that the individual cells of the lithium laptop battery were exploding and about 30% of the office was on fire. Thankfully I was able to unplug the charger and we had a fire extinguisher handy to get the fire out. Yes, insurance covered the damage (minus my deductible of course) but it took the better part of six months to get things back to normal. I no longer leave my laptop, or any other re-chargeable battery unattended. Bill
  13. Many of these "locking mechanisms" are adjustable as to the length of the rod that holds the metal tab which slides onto that thicker block you installed. Pictures certainly would help us determine if this could be done in your case. Bill
  14. Or, try: winter + camping If you don't think that it will get below the mid to high 20's overnight then I'd not do anything different with regards to the Ollie. For temps below that there are various "degrees" of prevention that you can take to include keeping access doors open so heat gets to the area between the hulls, actually placing heaters between the hulls, placing temp sensors between the hulls that have an alarm function in the event it gets below freezing there, etc. Have a good time in any case! Bill
  15. Anyone know of a source for these rubber dampers - mine are badly cracked and since I'm replacing the fan I might as well replace these also. Bill
  16. Now - that's what I call a "short-timer". It will be great to have you as a full fledged, card carrying member of the Family. Bill
  17. Maybe the answer is the difference in the distance from the sun (Florida versus Colorado altitude) and/or the difference in atmospheric pressure? πŸ˜„ Bill
  18. Sorry that the Jury Duty thing got in the way of going to the Expo. And, sorry for the way you are being treated by the Expo management. But, thanks for doing your "Duty". Bill
  19. There should be some nice "Fall leaf color" up on the Parkway starting this week (October 4th). And, the weather forecast is for nice sunny days with cool nights - mid 30's probably upon the Parkway at over 6,000 feet. I'm only about 20 miles from the Pisgah camp ground - if you need something send me a PM. Bill
  20. As long as you have your cell phone "on" and have cell service the "Severe Weather" ( https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.severeweatheralerts )app will alert you to virtually any weather related issues for your location (tornados, hurricanes, t-storms, floods, mud slides, earthquakes, etc.). Bill
  21. Sailors of sea, sailors of land - welcome! A "number" of years ago my wife and I drove through Albuquerque on our way to a hiking trip out of Silver City, NM and stopped at a motel for the night. When we got up the next morning the sky was covered with balloons! It was either the first or second year of the festival and we did know a thing about it. Have a great time! Bill
  22. Elbow grease?πŸ˜„ Used fabric softener dryer sheets with spray wax/detailer of your choice. Bill
  23. Indeed. For about $1.50 each get several (Similar to these). I stuck one on the tongue like Rideandfly, one by the Ollie's door and another one right under the bath window. I thought about getting bigger bubble levels like John Davies but I simply didn't like the look and since I always get out of the truck to take a look around the area I'm pulling into anyway, these smaller levels don't really cause me any more work. Having said this - I do have my "eye" (read that I've got a price set on Camel, Camel, Camel) for a LevelMatePro like AlbertANDTerri have, but, I'll need to get a decent smart phone first 😏. Bill p.s. they do sell those simple bubble levels with a white base that matches the Ollie better versus the black base.
  24. Being only 60 miles further west of Patriot here in western North Carolina, we hardly got any rain at all. Seven inches were originally predicted for us but as of right now we have only received .23 inches with hardly any wind. The "luck of the draw" and the whims of Mother Nature I suppose. Even so, one's heart does go out to all those that are having the misfortune of being in the path of the storm and it is so heartening to hear that both SeaDawg and Mossemi are OK. Only hope that others of our Family of Olivers have also weathered the storm. Bill
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