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Everything posted by skalywag

  1. This may not be the case and Our fridge runs well on all three sources, but I understand that they are more sensitive to being Level (especially) whilst using propane. I "fired" up ours (empty) yesterday and it was showing -8 in the freezer and 33 in the fridge in about 8 hours. This was in my driveway and ambient temp was in the 70s.
  2. I just removed the awning seal on our 2017 LE1 and it had deteriorated to where it was no longer effective. I was able to really clean that area for the first time while I was washing and waxing her. I plan to forgo replacing it and apply an over the window rain gutter. Amen.
  3. Also, I started to check the camp outlets before hooking up every time. Especially after watching the dude in the adjacent sight back his Fiver over the electrical post. I use an inexpensive electrical continuity checker thingie and have been glad I did on several occasions.
  4. I'll have to admit that I have never wished that the "Head Bumper" was not there.
  5. Is it really a CO2 or just a CO detector?
  6. I just visually inspected my 2" Bulldog Hitch and it appears solid. Even though our Ollie is a LE1, It has a 7000 lbs capacity rated coupler and It has the gusset which seems to be adequately welded (visually). I am thankful for this thread to make me do this inspection and I'll be keeping an eye on it and how this issue gets resolved.
  7. I have also just let the solar panels maintain the Lifelines and on the average they show about 13.8-13.6 Volts. Going strong after 6.5 years now.
  8. Are you using a Bonding Neutral plug with your generator? Sometimes referred to as an "Edison Plug"
  9. Sully, your pictures make it look like everyday is sunny there. Thank you for sharing them and have a safe trip. Cheers,
  10. The single most important improvement I have done to our LE1 is the suspension upgrade to Grease Zerk Bolts and sleeves. I also run the (still OEM) tires at 59-60 psig and the interior at campsite arrival is intact.
  11. All good advice here. One thing I can add would be to video tape your walk thru at delivery. I found myself watching it a year or two later and found info I missed. Ask a lot of questions and enjoy the experience. Cheers!
  12. Had some nice weather this last weekend and cleaned out the window tracks of our beloved Oliver. The seals seem to have shrunk more to the point where I am replacing them with the Pellandent H109-376 seals. Thanks to all the previous posters for the info and tips. BTW, I am getting all BLACK seals.
  13. I was patiently waiting for a fellow camper to finish his dumping operation and watched in amazement as he let his slinky slip and disappear into the campground sewer. He shrugged and left. Stuff happens I guess.
  14. When I was flying a club Cessna, I used Adolph's meat tenderizer on the leading edge to remove stubborn bugs. The Enzymes seem to work and I would use a Starlite product after to seal the surface. That was a few years ago and there must be better products available as previous posters have suggested.
  15. Just finished winterizing and it always makes me kind of sad that Winter is about. I now look forward to Spring and the next camping season. BTW, after 5 + years, the anode was just a wire. I have a new one (Aluminum) to install when I sanitize next year. What is the best anode?
  16. Roguebooks, I have pretty much the same system you have. My Ollie is a year older, but the Lifelines are still going strong (13.8 V under solar float). I have not had any major short or electrical malfunction though. It has been stored outside since we brought her home and the sun has done the maintenance. I agree with Back of Beyond that the simple approach may give you the best option if you find that your Lifelines are done. As you can imagine, I am watching this closely and appreciate your sharing this. Like you, We hope to use our LE1 for at least another 5-6 years. Best of luck,
  17. How timely! Our CO alarm is just starting to "act up". Thanks for your well documented post.
  18. Would hauling it on the back bumper reduce tailgating? Honestly, We have never needed one either.
  19. We really enjoyed the rail trip across Canada from Toronto to Vancouver via VIA and the Rocky Mountaineer. The food and camaraderie were wonderful not to mention the scenery. Saskatchewan was immense and like another planet . I want to go back with the Oliver. Cheers
  20. On a cost per foot basis, it is the more expensive of the 2 trailers. I do wonder what changes they are contemplating. As Seadawg stated, we love our LE1 just the way it is.
  21. That TV looks a bit small...😘
  22. I had to replace the wiring harness on my (no longer owned) 2002 Tacoma due to rodent damage. My comprehensive insurance covered it. I then had to replace the fuel lines on my wife's Corolla also due to rodent damage. I now enlist traps and plastic snakes and it seems to be effective. I have fire extinguishers everywhere. Glad to hear OP was on his toes during that event.
  23. thirddoor, It is indeed suprising! After 4 years, I recently found rain water inside puddled at the rear curbside area. I checked the caulking around the rear emergency window and it seemed to be intact, but I over-coated it with a handy white caulk to see if it had any effect. My question is what the recommended caulk is for this and the overhead "OLIVER" sign area? BTW, I did just order 2 10' rolls of EZE RV gutter that I will apply next summer when it is warm.
  24. Cheiftans God bless Paddy Malone!
  25. Carl, We installed a 3 inch memory foam topper in our LE1 and love it. I remember buying a rectangular shape that provided the width and length, and then just unzipped the cover to trim the foam using the outside cushions to trace the radii on the 2 aft ends. Then we re-zipped it and it fits snug. I can not remember where we purchased it, but it came compressed in a small package and required some time to expand. We leave our bed made and have seldom converted back to the dinning table. Cheers,
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