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Everything posted by topgun2

  1. Have you tried going to the Dura Faucet site (HERE) to download the owners manual? Bill
  2. Or - You can have a few brews and not really care about being clean.😁
  3. I have two rearview cameras. One is mounted in the spare tire cover and the other in the usual roof location. Patriot is correct when he mentions the "road spray" issue with the lower camera - other than that it is great. The roof location provides approximately the same view but, obviously the angle is slightly different. The roof location also gives the advantage of being able to see a fair number of vehicles back when stopped at a light or stop sign while the lower camera gets a good view of the guys license plate πŸ˜ƒ. Bill
  4. Nice! Just goes to show that with the right polisher - even a Tundra can be made to look good! πŸ˜‡- (I'm just kidding folks in case there was any doubt). Thanks for the pic, Bill Bill
  5. At least John should get "partial credit" for a really nice bundle that is zip-tied.πŸ˜ƒ
  6. What's that old story - if I don't see it then it never happened.πŸ˜‡
  7. I've had one of THESE fridge thermometers for a number of years. I found that it really didn't take long to learn to ignore the old style thermometer - it simply became part of the general landscape. Unless there was a problem and by then it was usually too late. With the "system" above you can set both high and low temps and the readout unit will give you an audible warning when the sensors have recorded any temp outside the range that you set. It is this audible warning that catches my attention and I don't have to be worried trying to remember to actually look at it. Bill
  8. Since I always have a 5 gallon bucket along - I usually simply dump the solar shower water in the bucket, sit the bucket on the toilet and have at it. The solar showers I have are either 4 or 5 gallons - at roughly 8 pounds per gallon that weight is/was a concern. However, on the inside of the Oliver I've found that the "shower hook handle" doesn't budge, but, I still use the bucket on the toilet seat just to be safe. On the outside I either use a Harbor Freight suction cup on the side of the Ollie or my shower tent (if I need to be modest). Speaking of shower tents - the ones at WalMart get the job done and are a bunch less expensive compared to those found at Cabela's and the like (WalMart shower tent). Bill
  9. During my two month fly fishing trips in the Rockies I almost always use a solar shower. I fill it and during the day it sits on my Tonneau cover over the bed of the truck. When I'm done fishing for the day, most often the water is simply too hot to use for a shower. However, THAT is the perfect excuse to take a seat, reflect on the day, and have an adult beverage while the water cools down. If the water isn't hot enough I simply heat a pot on the stove and mix it in. I used to use the solar shower's little shower head but those are fairly pathetic. So, a couple of years ago I got a little shower pump like the one SeaDawg mentions above and it works great either outside or inside the Oliver. Bill
  10. My Oliver does not have any liquid tape on it or in it. Bill
  11. Sometimes these "touch lights" are a bit "touchy feely"😁. Bill Seriously, there have been a few cases where these lights have "issues" within the first year (or less) of operation. A quick call or Service ticket will get it resolved for you.
  12. Right about 80 today with a nice breeze and fairly low humidity. It will also be like this for the next two days. However, yesterday it was low 90's and high humidity. And, starting this coming Wednesday it is forecast to be back near record high temps (low to mid 90's) but I don't think that the humidity will be as high as last week. Bill
  13. Its a bit warm and certainly humid here in the NC mountains. However, if you're still here for the next three days you should find the weather to be absolutely delightful. Welcome to my corner of the world! Bill
  14. Frankly - from the video and pictures I've seen - this is remarkable progress. When I posted alternative places to visit and see (see post towards top of this thread), I was unaware of just how severe the damage was. Totally glad that there have been no known injuries from this event. Surely as bad as it is - it could have been so much worse. YNP is a very special place and it obviously has some very special people working there. Bill
  15. They don't come much (if any) better than Anita! Be sure to bring that camera with you - not only will it help you to remember what you saw, but, in the event you actually do write that check, it will serve to help you down the road when you are trying to remember what is exactly behind "that" wall. Also, don't be afraid to ask questions and look at anything that interests you. Certainly you can take as much time as you desire on the tour - I'm certain that you will be impressed. Bill
  16. Just an FYI for everyone - Oliver is closed today (June 17th, 2022) and will re-open Monday (June 20th, 2022) for the Federal holiday. Bill
  17. I assume that the guys in Service took care of that bolt for you or did you simply tighten it up yourself? You are now an "Official" card (or Oliver) carrying member of the Family! Hopefully we will meet out there on the road someday. Bill
  18. R&F - Apparently I need a password to see the pics you posted above - "Joe sent me?" Bill
  19. For anyone sitting on the fence about replacing the tires on their Ollie - I just saw an ad by Tire Rack for $70 off a set of any four Cooper tires. Bill
  20. Wow! At first glance I thought that you had started a fire in the bed of your pickup. Nice, warm shot. Bill
  21. Is that drop of moisture from my eye due to joy or sadness? I miss her too! Bill
  22. I too am sorry for the issues that Katjo is having. However, at this point it is a bit rash to point blame at the seller - electrical issues can and do occur without warning and at almost any time. Bill
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