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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/24/2025 in all areas

  1. We are turned up to Eleven (Ollies, total count) currently. Good to see old friends and make new ones.
    4 points
  2. We don't have Alcans, but as information, replaced original Monroe shocks with Bulldog 1213-0656 shocks on our Dexter 5200lb axles with 5 leaf Dexter springs.
    4 points
  3. I agree. None the less, I am elated that OTT recognized the issue as a life safety one and launched their recall so quickly. That's taking care of our family first! With your experience, you may take the step to advise Air Stream, NHTSA and RVMA of your Air Stream thoughts about this product as well as Oliver's "stand up" actions too. Again, the right thing to do. GJ
    4 points
  4. I understand ALL within the ‘nonconforming’ group are in need of inspection, just read too much into the recall disclosure and was unclear if there would be SOME found to be in good order. That said, why the need to have it inspected in the first place ?, just set up an appointment to have it replaced. I now know that ALL in said group are in need of replacement, thank you and others for that conformation!
    3 points
  5. What makes you think it isn't happening elsewhere? A recall involving Oliver would be addressed to Oliver only. If it involved say AS, they would get there own recall notice. This is a Truma issue. I don't believe there is any difference between what went on an Oliver or what went on an AS.
    3 points
  6. From what I've seen so far: Oliver has reported this to NHTSA and is self recalling for their own units as an extra precaution. The NHTSA and Truma appear to still be in negotiations about a larger industry wide recall. CS
    3 points
  7. I scheduled my annual maintenance with Oliver factory in early March. My Truma serial number falls within recall range so I mentioned this to Jason when scheduling. He said Oliver will replace my Truma burner unit during maintenance visit. He did say they currently do not have any Truma burner assemblies in stock and don't expect any until early March.
    2 points
  8. Does it really matter? If either of those issues are present, I would want my unit replaced. But that begs the question of "With What?". On that point, I'm in the BoondockingAirStream and Seadog camp. Give me something that works for 20+ years that I can maintain.
    2 points
  9. The HD 1213 is indeed a perfect fit for Hull 996 with our Alcan springs. John
    2 points
  10. We left southern Illinois last Thursday for warmth and good food. Arrived in Ocean Springs, Mississippi, last Friday. It was cool. Moved to Gulf Shores on Monday. Look out! Record breaking snow. The old record was from 1895 and was 3 inches. We had 8 inches here with lots of wind. Oliver performed great! Lows have been in the teens. I left the water dripping and my hose froze but luckily I had another. Oliver was not frozen. I then left the water running at a small stream with no more issues. We had full hookup so dumping was not an issue. We ran the propane furnace. Normally we use a small electric heater. Restaurants and everything else were closed for 2 days. It was enjoyable watching the locals reaction to such weather.
    1 point
  11. As I understand it from (the new) Jason at OTT, OTT will obtain the replacement burners from Truma and then send them to your selected Truma Authorized repair facility. (i.e. the replacement burners can not be obtained directly from Truma) So important to send OTT a copy of the picture of your Truma serial number (as directed in their correspondence) to get on OTT's list. They will notify you when your replacement burner is received at OTT and ready to be shipped to your selected repair facility.
    1 point
  12. The "new" Jason with whom I spoke (after receiving the recall letter) advised that all of the defective burner units were shipped to Oliver, so it is an exclusively Oliver problem. Lucky us! That said, I was able to find Dennis Dillon RV, a Truma trained and authorized RV service center in Boise, Idaho (1.5 hours from our home), willing to do the recall work. That is good, because the closest Oliver dealer is in Utah, a 6.5 hour drive. But, I was also advised that Truma is 6-8 weeks out from shipping the replacement burner assemblies, so all I can do for now is return the recall form to Oliver and wait for a scheduling call from the Dennis Dillon service manager in a couple of months.
    1 point
  13. Hi, new to the community, having bought hull #1165, a 2022 LE2, on January 2nd! I've gained lots of pre-purchase info browsing these forums as a guest and would like to start off with a thank you! I appreciate everyone's help so much! Paul
    1 point
  14. I bought the Bulldog HD1213-0656 for my upcoming Alcan 5 leaf conversion. John
    1 point
  15. Truma AquaGo recall notice received today. Has anyone asked and received an answer as to why the recall is for Olivers only? I assume these water heaters are used across the RV (and maybe marine) industry?
    1 point
  16. Welcome from Fort Collins. Glad to see the Colorado numbers going up. I tow with a 3/4 ton Chevy. Sway is no problem even across Kansas with a 30 miles per hour cross wind.
    1 point
  17. Thanks guys. Because a couple of you suggested possible issues with the battery itself, I've submitted everything I know to the support email at Lithionics and will let you know their response once I get it.
    1 point
  18. Hello Steve Contrary to your post above, everything I've read indicates the part number for Bulldog replacements of the Monroe 555001 is HD1213-0656, not HD1214-0656. I put the specs for each as well as the Monroe OEM 555001 in the image below. The specs on the left are for the HD1214-0656 and the right frame is the 1213. If you compare it with the OEM Monroes (the bottom frame), the 1213 shocks line up much more closely than the 1214. My question is: is this just a simple mistake or is there a reason you were recommending the Bulldog HD1214-0656? I ask because I am about to change mine out on my 2018 LE2 (#344) and want a robust replacement.
    1 point
  19. I am no longer apologizing for our Florida weather. We are setting new records, all along the i 10 belt, and so very cold (to us) in Tampa Bay. When the wind is cold and moist, we are kind of like the iguanas. Immobilized. Looking forward to a few nice days, soon. We've been through a hot summer, hurricanes, and crazy cold, now. It will pass.
    1 point
  20. @SolitaryPine looks like your batteries are wired correctly. I have 2 x 320ah batteries in our 2023 Oliver and have seen the same thing you have on the phone app. I read following on the Lihtionics website: The SoC is a ‘metered reading’ from an electronic Hall Effect Shunt and is a count-down meter that is most accurate on its first cycle after calibration* but becomes less accurate over time. It simply counts amps-in and amps-out but some losses will occur. Being a metered value, it does not actually measure state of charge “real time” but instead “calculates” or estimates state of charge. -Explanation: *every two weeks, a full charge cycle in which the battery reaches 14.4 volts is required to trigger a recalibration of the internal Hall Effect Sensor shunt. When the battery exceeds 14.2 volts during charging, the SoC re-sets to 100%. (In order to fully charge a lithium ion battery, the DC loads may need to be reduced so the charge current exceeds the discharge current to allow a full battery charge.) -Why does the meter “drift” and lose accuracy over time? When a consumer is micro-cycling a battery via a series of multiple discharge cycles and has partial charge cycles from solar or alternator charging, the SoC meter loses accuracy, called “sensor drift” over a two week time period. This is also called ‘short charging’ as the battery never fills and the SoC meter does not reach recalibration voltages of 14.2(12 Volt Battery, 28.4 (24V), 53.25 (48.0) or 56.8 (51V) batteriesrespectively. I think as long as the voltages are the same your batteries are fine.
    1 point
  21. This is a life safety issue. PLEASE SUBMIT A TICKET WITH THIS POST. It is a candidate for a massive recall. GJ
    1 point
  22. I think you will be very happy that you had Alcan do the job. I know I was. Good for you on getting an appt with Lew and his team. 👍🏻
    1 point
  23. We just returned from The Original Mattress Factory store nearby, and have decided to have them make a pair of custom mattresses for us. We were going to order from KTT, but hesitant, as we've never slept on anything other than a coil spring mattress (except the thin foam one in our Hiker squaredrop trailer.) TOMF has foam RV mattresses that they offer. Instead, we are having the same exact mattress made that we currently sleep on at home. It is a modified version of their twin orthopedic extra firm mattress, with support cylinders along the edge for couch duty. They are 10" thick, so a bit more than the 8" KTT and 7" Southern mattresses. The only problem, is that they cannot create a curve on one corner to match the Oliver mattress. They can, however, create a 45° "chamfer" on one corner. All they need are dimensions for that angled portion. Now, I can simply do some math and calculate the straight line that connects the two ends of the mattresses 15" radius from the Oliver supplied dimensions. But I *think* I can cheat that a bit, and have a slightly smaller chamfer to fill in that gap. And here's where I'm asking for help. Could someone with a twin bed layout mock up a chamfered corner from cardboard for me? The Oliver drawing shows the mattress as 29" wide, 74.5" long, with a 15" radius on one corner. What I'm envisioning, is somewhere between line A and line B on the attached sketch. Option A leaves a big gap in the corner, and I think option B would interfere with the wall too much. I'm after wherever best fits between, shown indeterminately as line C. I'm thinking it can be closer to line B than shown, but can only determine that with a physical mock up. Also, are the mattresses really only 29" wide? The dimension I've seen most frequently are 30" X 75". I'd like to fill the fiberglass tray with as wide and long of a mattress that will fit, since I'm having a pair custom made. If the mattress is really 29" wide, then the dimension of the top question mark in the drawing is 14", and the lower is about 20 1/4" I'm guessing best fit will be somewhere closer to 18-19" For reference, the KTT mattresses are currently at $750 each, plus shipping. Shipping to me in October was $304 for two, but someone recently had a shipping quote to the midwest closer to $500. so, around $1900 for the pair. The Original Mattress Factory cost, including customization, will be $1018 for the pair. If anyone would be willing to mock this up and see how it fits, I'd be eternally grateful. And bring you your choice of beverage to the rally (within reason. No Pappy Van Winkle request.) 😀
    1 point
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