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Everything posted by topgun2

  1. Bill - Amazing - isn't it? Just how can the "simple act" of picking up a camper take the entire day? Before I got my Oliver, the other campers I bought maybe took 2 hours (tops) to get delivered. Glad to hear that all went well and that you are now setting about the chore of actually moving in. At least you are warm and dry and (hopefully) rested. Let us know if we can help! Bill
  2. Perhaps another reason why the F150 has been and is the best selling truck. I've had two of these now and both were/are very nice. If I had the need and garage room I'd give serious consideration to a 3/4 ton though. Bill
  3. One with the curtain and one without - sounds to me like this is a question for an Oliver Sales Rep. Personally, I'm in the "Huff" camp - I don't have a curtain because what little that gets wet is simply too easy to clean and dry versus dealing with a curtain that is there all the time. Space is really precious in the bathroom. Bill
  4. Fly that flag proudly on that day and enjoy the delivery. Welcome! Bill
  5. I echo what SeaDawg says and add a thanks to those that help the Moderators by reporting Spam and other issues with our Forum. This really does make our jobs easier. Bill
  6. I'm excited for both of you. A delivery, a factory tour and contract finalization in mid February - what could be more fun? Actually getting together for at least a beverage would be great for each of you and, of course, a full report back here is expected on the accommodations, delivery, tour, food, etc.. Bill p.s. pics are expected too!
  7. Unfortunately it looks like there are "ISSUES" out there in Ford truck land. Bill
  8. Don't forget that all States have basically the same expenses for social programs and infrastructure. If they don't get it from you one way, they are sure to get it from you another. Or, they will not be able to provide these services that society expects from governments. 😬
  9. Yep - been watching it too. Certainly this is a very "different" type of "sailing". But, still interesting to watch. Indeed, that American boat was fast but apparently not as stable as the Italian boat. And, it really did appear that the Americans were out-sailed in virtually all aspects and that was even before the hole in the boat deal (caused by the Americans taking a very risky move when they were in the lead of that race). Hopefully we will learn from this poor showing. Bill
  10. This part is actually made by a Oliver Forum member - tractors1 - and supplied to Little House Customs. If interested, you might want to send him a PM and deal direct. You can read the entire thread about this HERE Bill
  11. JRK - I'd echo what Mike just said. In addition, no matter what RV you might purchase, I'd strongly suggest that you use your time prior to delivery to read everything you can regarding all of the systems on your new RV. The old Boy Scout motto applies here - Be Prepared. Even if you don't have the tools and/or ability to do an actual repair, the knowledge gained from your reading will assist you in diagnosing the issues and/or describing the problem to anyone that may be in a position to help you. I have not memorized the model numbers for each of the things that I have in either my Oliver or my home. But, I do know where to find that info quickly. As a safety measure (more than anything else) I know where things are plugged in and what to do if warning lights/sounds come on. Even if whatever RV you purchase is perfect at delivery and you know exactly how each system works, something eventually will go wrong or break. Telling your plumber or electrician that you need help with your "thingy" is probably not going to result in a very satisfying experience for either you or your wallet. Bill
  12. From the 2021 Owner's Manual for the Norcold fridge: If this is the fridge you have then there is NO code 10 listed nor is there any numerical code listed - just alpha codes.
  13. Hopefully you have already found the solution to this code 10 error code and/or found a way to clear it. If you haven't - what is the model number and brand of your fridge? A quick Google with that information just might give you your answer. Bill
  14. Nice and welcome to the family. New Ollie and a new truck! That will keep you busy for awhile. Perhaps a slightly early Thanksgiving in that Oliver? Bill
  15. I have the old style awning and it has "support" legs as an integral part of the awning. Therefore, I have no problem with either running lines or an optional sun screen much like you are talking about. But, in the case of the "new" awnings that do not have these "legs" then I would assume that you will need to have some sort of support poles before running lines to the ground - see recent pics of these types of sun screens and what one owner did to use the sun screen with his new style awning. Bill
  16. TXLSUCajun As has been mentioned a ton of times before - with that October delivery you have time to read the Oliver University and much of this Forum. These readings should give you a good idea of what to expect, of what your Oliver will look and function like, and make you more comfortable with its systems. It will also probably spur questions - let um fly! Congrates on joining the family - welcome aboard! Bill
  17. I've got that same - MX4 - cover that TexasGuy has and it has performed great. However, the issues of toting bikes and watercraft can still be an issue unless you are willing to mount some type of rack via the "stake holes" that are still visible in the picture above. Bill
  18. Ok - got it. But, does the power to the camera shut off when you power down the truck? If yes, then I'd think that you are good to go (and this is the most likely case). However, then you would not be able to use this camera as a "security" camera when the truck is powered down. Of course, since your only screen is in the truck and not removable then having power to the camera without that screen still doesn't do you much good from inside the Oliver and things go "bump" in the night. Bill
  19. Carl - Hopefully an owner of the Elite I will chime in here shortly. However, I'd be greatly surprised if there are any great differences between the size of the drawers in the I versus the II. In my II I've got the longest knives and spoons and forks that we have ever had in our home kitchen and they all fit with no issues. Certainly I would not buy anything "special" until yo have had a little time to get in there and use the kitchen a bit. Bill
  20. Fritz - I'm no fabric expert by any means however here are my thoughts on the subject: The vinyl does not "breathe" while the "sunbrella" does breathe. So, the sunbrella will (in most situations) dry more quickly versus the vinyl. However, if both are left in the rolled position then neither can dry. In both, if they are not cleaned they will be more likely to develop mold/mildew issues due to the dirt. However, I'd bet that since the sunbrella has more surface area per square inch as compared to the vinyl - this is how sunbrella breathes by allowing air to circulate totally around each individual thread versus the vinyl that only allows air (and all other things like water) to circulate on the top and bottom of each thread. If this theory is true then vinyl should absolutely the choice in almost any circumstance. But, what happens when that vinyl coating becomes scratched or worn? What about colder weather when the vinyl is stiffer and could crack - I'm not even thinking winter camping here but I am very familiar with mountain camping where night temps are down in the high 20's while day temps are in the high 80's. All of these issues with vinyl lead to the internal structure of the "fabric" being exposed to and potentially trap both dirt and moisture which, in turn, leads to not only cosmetic issues but the very issues of mold/mildew that were being avoided in the first place. I would think that as long as each material was basically new then the vinyl would be better at deflecting rain. But, the clock is ticking on that advantage and in the longer run sunbrella would produce a better average result. Bill
  21. 40 psi tends to be the most often cited standard. However, the Oliver can handle pressures a tad higher but I would not go above 60 psi. Bill
  22. Similar to your Ipod wagon I fabricated a mount for the rear of one of my previous RV's This type of arrangement doesn't really work very well with the Oliver - so mine is in the bed of the truck now. Bill
  23. While on the subject - don't forget that during the summer months the sun will increase the pressure in those exposed hoses. If you put your regulator at the pedestal source and have your supply hose laying in the sun, the pressure inside that hose could increase well above the desired limits. Bill
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