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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/13/2023 in all areas

  1. Here's my ad. I think it will work.....😁
    4 points
  2. Hi Everyone We purchased our trailer used a Month and a half ago and we noticed an E9 code on our Progressive EMS display in the attic cabinet. This was a β€œData Link Down” message. Through troubleshooting we discovered it was a bad connection at the display end of the (phone cord looking-although it’s not really one) data cable. We purchased a pack of connectors and a crimp tool replaced the cable end with a new one. Also we unscrewed the cabinet wall that the display sits on and found probably 10-20 feet of cable coiled and stowed back there so we shortened the cable to clean things up. Things are working fine now. Understand this is a little random to the subject but we wanted to post it that maybe someone else might have a similar problem and could benefit from this easy fix.
    3 points
  3. Let us know how THAT works out for ya.πŸ˜†
    2 points
  4. The main reason I would swap out my Xantrex 3000 to the Victron Multiplus 3000 is Power Assist. https://youtu.be/6lS6IAoxd28?si=18tX8-MGUNBMT4Z2 But for now I’m happy with the Xantrex! 😊
    2 points
  5. I don’t see an escalator, how can you camp without an escalator?
    2 points
  6. Good Luck, I just had both cataracts removed. I'm having them mounted as earrings for Tali's Christmas.
    2 points
  7. Just to hopefully relieve some of the forum snarkyness. Trying to get to the last campsite before the other guy:
    2 points
  8. Wanted to see if you had any additional feedback on your Victron Multiplus. I recently had to extract my 4 POS Briteway AGM batteries (was very unhappy with the switch from the Trojans listed in the brochure) as they had swollen up like a dead dear on the side of the road. Came to the dark side recently with the purchase of 3 BB lithiums. Now planning the install and possible upgrades to the electrical system. We have not done much boondocking, but plan to do a bit more in the future, especially if the trailer is better equipped to handle it. I really like the capabilities of the Multiplus, but besides the investment, there is some risk of putting all your DC "eggs" in the one component "basket". Feedback from your experience with it?
    2 points
  9. A simple galley outlet β€œhack” which I wont take credit for. Someone on FB posted a photo of this 6” power strip and I don’t recall who. Anyway I ordered one. It just seems a little bit easier to plug in the coffee pot and toaster early in the morning.😴 Just passing it forward. Installs easily with 3m double sided tape sold separately. https://www.amazon.com/GE-Designer-Extension-Grounded-45190/dp/B07P889FHQ/ref=sr_1_8?crid=3EMUX18DKS0D2&keywords=triple%2Boutlet%2Bextension%2Bcord%2Bshort&qid=1702078039&sprefix=short%2Btriple%2Boutlet%2Caps%2C2082&sr=8-8&th=1 PatriotπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
    2 points
  10. This reminds me of when we were visiting another couple in their camper while camping in South Carolina. They had left canned alcoholic beverages outside of the camper to keep them cool. Later that evening raccoons started running around chasing each other making making lots of noise. There were many pine trees in the campground and the raccoons started climbing and falling out of the trees, too. You could hear them when they hit the ground. We went outside and found holes chewed in all of the cans and realized the raccoons started acting up because they were drunk.
    2 points
  11. Replacing xantrax on my Oliver Elite II 2021. Can't beat power assist on Victron components (Uses battery to meet power requirements when specificed amount of current is set) I have had Victron Multiplus in my old camper and I am crying for the first time , I hate drilling into this beautiful Elite but can't get wires from upper cabinet to lower components without drilling. Going to install Victron MPPT - 100 /30 for outside solar panels 400 watts of ground deployed solar panels Victron Orion 12 volt to 12 Volt charger for vehicle charging and for a Pecron 500 amp hour battery I have under the bed. Victron Smartshunt for monitoring batteries Victron Cerbo GX for the brains of the operation all components plug into and are monitored by this device. Victron small touch screen Built wood support for Multiplus much heavier than xantrax probably double. (I did not lift or look at weights but had a friend put in place) (6 back surgeries lifting days are over) Here are some pictures Had one heck of time getting hole centered perfect to drill. Went as far as I could in corner of cabinet . . . . . .Little scary but turned out ok. Going to work on Battery box holes at same time and maybe add ventilation for batteries at same time. Thanks to everyone for posting information on ventilation Take care Montana Oliver
    1 point
  12. A couple folks had asked about the stops we made for Alaska 2023. Here's an updated map with the list of stops spelled out on the map. We share the number of days we stayed at each stop in parenthesis each way (Outbound, Return) Red stops are the ones we made down the Casiiar HWY as our return route. We had a couple of Alaska Commercial RV parks we wouldn't suggest staying at: 1) Trapper Creek AK - Don't bother with the mudpit called Trapper Creek RV park, there are free sites or State parks all around that are much better. We were simply looking for a dump and that was the suggestion from RV apps. 2) Northern Nights in Glenallen AK....is now under new ownership...and it's chaos there. There are other State and National Parks near there which are much better. If you have specific questions DM me on the forum. Craig - Hull 505 - Galway Girl
    1 point
  13. Stringing a new cable was the first thing we tried but we couldn’t find an easy path down inside the back wall of the camper. Quite possibly a rookie installation issue on our part but the tool and connectors ended up being just 20 bucks πŸ˜„
    1 point
  14. Probably due to the environment that our trailer live in which includes heat, humidity, dust, dirt and vibration it is not too surprising that the relatively small fragile contacts and/or wires in these data cords go bad. I don't know what the total cost of the tool and the bag of connectors was versus just purchasing a new cable, but, either way your solution now gives us at least two way to skin this cat.🐱 Thanks! Bill
    1 point
  15. I’ll break the β€˜news’ to her miles down the road when there’s no turning back!
    1 point
  16. Good morning, Question for y'all. We have the compost toilet and I was wondering if anyone has repurposed the water valve behind the toilet for something like a portable washing machine? I just got one from the laundry alternative and planned to connect it to the bathroom faucet but the Manuel says you can't hook to a pull out faucet. So then I remembered the water valve behind the toilet and wonder if I could use that instead? Thoughts?
    1 point
  17. @Ty J hasn't been on the forum for a week or so. I'm tagging him here. If he has notifications turned on, he'll hopefully see these questions.
    1 point
  18. Less than 3 years. Not impressed and clearly, Oliver has discontinued buying them. Not at all surprised.
    1 point
  19. Thanks for the Map, site info, and pics you were willing to share on this adventure. It sure looks like you had a wonderful trip. I am counting the days until we get to take a trip north.
    1 point
  20. The rear axle is for the super charger😎
    1 point
  21. @Emgmtg, that's a curious situation. As you know, the function of the "fins" is to absorb the warm air in the fridge. Where that warm air that bypasses the fins will go, with the gap, is a good question for Norcold technical support, or Jason at Oliver. (Kind of looks like yellow insulation behind the gap in your photo. If that's so, I'm guessing it "could" collect condensation, like the fins. But, im certainlynot a fridge tech.) I don't recall ever seeing a gap like that in any of our 3ways. I think you're a brave guy, replacing your own cooling unit. Kudos to you. Our neighbor replaced the cooling unit in his older motorhome, but he used to run a small-scale appliance repair business, on the side.
    1 point
  22. The high viewership of the Escape video could be all the Escape owners clicking to see how bad it is (Oliver owners too). The bear delivered the best lines in the spot.
    1 point
  23. I looked them up. Great reviews, and a platinum InTech dealer. Local smaller company. Wish I'd known a few weeks ago, when I flew up to New England to surprise my college roommate on her birthday. Only a short drive away. Happy for the New England folks!
    1 point
  24. I doubt - very seriously - that it is Camping World. Bill
    1 point
  25. I've said this before in another post... but at the risk of repeating myself again... Oliver is not a "club" or like most of us, a bunch of retired people who have already accumulated enough wealth to sit back and be philosophical about how we would do it. It's a business that has several hundred employees who come in everyday to the Oliver factory trying to earn enough money to get to the place most of us owners enjoy right now. Warranty work (every dime of it) is anything that fails or wasn't done right the first time... it costs the factory money and is a cash drain. Service work could and probably is somewhat profitable and self sustaining part of the Oliver business, but the real cash cow that the owners and every employee counts on (remember they have their own life dreams too) depends on selling new Olivers. With hull numbers around the 1500 mark they have likely picked the low hanging fruit. Now they need to dig deeper into the existing marketplace to fulfill the burden and obligation to pay for tools, equipment, buildings, benefits, healthcare, wages and everything else that those several hundred people working there are depending on so they can make their house payments, buy groceries and maybe even someday own and Oliver and travel around the country seeing and doing everything we all are doing right now. Growing the business by selling new product doesn't mean forgetting the customers that have already purchased Olivers, rather it is doing both in a way that is fulfills everyones goals. It's not easy. Sometimes feels like a balancing act. There will be the occasional mistake... but I'm counting on the Oliver management to provide that "North Star" to keep the companies core moving in the right direction. We were just recently in the extreme north west and several times had conversations with folks who might have been prospective buyers... they just rolled their eyes when I said you could only buy and pick them up at the factory in Tennessee. All of us need to remember that if we want an experienced service team that is equally invested in our Oliver the factory where they are built needs to survive and grow. Otherwise, "who ya gonna call"?
    1 point
  26. I've been banned from shopping at one of out local Walmart's here in town. About 6 months ago I was in Walmart buying a large bag of Purina dog food for my beautiful Doberman, Reacher, which weighed 110 lbs. I was in the check-out line when a woman behind me asked if I had a dog. I wondered what she thought I had. So, because I'm retired and have little to do, on impulse, I told her that no, I didn't have a dog, I was starting the Purina Diet again. I explained to her that it was the Perfect Diet. Dog food is nutritionally complete and contains all the nutrients, protein, vitamins and minerals to adequately sustain a large carnivore for a lifetime. I added that the last time, it had worked really well and that I'd lost 50 pounds. Since I had gained back some weight lately, I had decided to give it another go. I told her the way that it works is, to load your jacket pockets with Purina Nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry. Further, I told her that I knew I probably shouldn't do this, because the last time, I ended up in the hospital. I explained that I had awakened in the intensive care unit with tubes coming out of most of my orifices and IV's in both arms. (I need to mention here that practically everyone in the checkout line was now enthralled with my story.) Horrified, she asked if I had ended up in intensive care, because the dog food had poisoned me. I told her no, I had stopped to pee on a Fire Hydrant and a car hit me.
    1 point
  27. That is a GREAT idea. I just looked for a 5 ft hose on Amazon and its only "11 bucks! Thanks so much! And then it is not in the way in the bathroom!
    1 point
  28. Instead of moving a 42 pound machine in and out of the trailer, why not just use it sitting in the outside front generator basket. It would be very simple to run a water line out through the front of the trailer to the washer or if you're in a campground simply run a hose to it from the campground tap.
    1 point
  29. When you receive the replacement EMS, I would apply red Loctite to the attachment screws, precisely because we take our trailers "bouncing down the highway." In fact, I now plan to take the cover off the EMS in our Elite II and apply red Loctite to the mounting screws before our next adventure. Thanks for posting.
    1 point
  30. Camp pillows that tickled my funny bone...
    1 point
  31. Thought I’d share a recent mod I completed on the outside battery/shower compartment door. We use the outside shower quite a bit and do not like the fact that the battery compartment door has to remain open in order to utilize the outside shower. So I installed a small marine grade access hatch through which I can feed the shower head through and close the door. Works beautifully!
    1 point
  32. Our button didn't work to change it to a spray. We kept pushing it but it didn't want push. We took it off and filled it with vinegar and let it sit (I think it was a couple of days before we got back to it). We put it back on, turned on the water, pushed the button. It crunched a few times and started to work. Guess it got a small piece of calcium caught in it. More a problem with the water than the faucet?
    1 point
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