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  1. I wanted to reach out to everyone regarding this issue. We have been made aware of the issue and are currently investigating. At this time it appears to be a single incident but we will be continuing our investigation.
    6 points
  2. I often take the outside shower head off of the hose and pump it out. Something else to try is opening the fresh water drain valve on your way home from a camping trip. Although I would much rather water my property than the road. Mossey
    6 points
  3. I usually open the fresh water tank drain and sometimes raise the front end a little. I can take a while, depending on how full the tank is but usually less than one hour. I’m suspicious that your tank sensor may still show some water in the tank when it is actually empty or nearly so. A little water in the fresh water tank is not a problem. A little fresh water in the lines or traps is.
    4 points
  4. Coming from a background of over the road trucking (40 yrs) I’ve experienced several spring failures, to all the people upgrading to heavier rated springs just be aware your axle assembly is rated as a complete unit,if you change one thing you need to make sure the other components, spring perch, shackles, axle tube,wet bolts etc.. can handle the extra stress. It’s been my experience most spring breaks happen from a sharp impact ie: deep pothole, curbing the trl, etc.. and to the shop that has never had a spring failure I call b.s. Steve
    4 points
  5. Interesting. I have not ever heard of filtering drinking water to a toilet. The previous owner must have had some really really nasty water that broke the toilet. Or maybe their pets like filtered drinking water. GJ
    4 points
  6. Just FYI: The new springs raised the trailer about 3/4". Not noticeable unless you actually measure. My service tech was really impressed with the ALCAN springs once he had them sitting side-by-side with the Dexter springs. In fact, another customer commented how the one set of old springs had flattened out. My tech commented that was the reason I was having them changed out. I'll report on ride after I have a few hundred miles on them.
    4 points
  7. OK, I'll fess up.... About half the time I forget to drain over night and end up having Ollie pee on the highway........
    3 points
  8. Please share with us the Bulldog shock info and assessment after you get some miles on them. GJ
    3 points
  9. I think the coupler incident was a manufacturers problem Probably a one off, as said before. Hopefully However, everyone in that time period should check stamping.
    3 points
  10. Look under your curbside bed, and locate the drain. Pull the heater ducting out of the way and there is a simple valve. Make sure this is pushed down to touch the floor. The outlet can get pushed up, and if pushed up enough, it can be above the tank height. OTT should, may I say SHOULD strap this line to the floor, but they don't! And because they do not, the drain WILL move up. An easier way to fix, if you’re like me always crawling under trucks, trailers and the sort, is to climb under the rear passenger side tire, find the blue PEX drain and pull it down hard. Given the front of your TT is somewhat higher than the rear, you should be 98% empty.
    3 points
  11. @Geronimo John LMAO...I know you were joking but to clarify for others, the filter does not purify the water it just catches debris in the water so it doesn't get in the valve of the toilet and damage it or cause a blockage.
    3 points
  12. I had an good chat with a Bulldog technical service rep yesterday (after a 20 minute wait for someone to pick up). I had called to ask about my gusset welds. He confirmed that my welds looked OK (one was a bit wider than spec). He also told me that all BD couplers are designed to be welded to a steel trailer frame, but said it was fine that OTT modified it to bolt on. I also told him a bit about what I was reading in this thread. He said he hadn't heard about this incident or anything like this happening before. Overall, I got the sense that he was very competent and knowledgeable. The 20 minute wait was unfortunate, though.
    3 points
  13. My ALCAN springs arrived yesterday (Wednesday) and my RV tech installed them yesterday PM. His torque wrench failed so I brought him mine this morning so he can finish up the job. He liked the ALCAN springs and there were ZERO issues installing them. He also confirmed that at least one set of the original Dexter springs were starting to flatten out. Meaning (to me) they were on the way to failure. I will also state that the original springs had only about 5000 highway miles on them and ZERO off road miles. We depart tomorrow (Friday) for a six week, 5300 mile trek around the US so I'll report back how they ride. I did lower my PSI in the tires to 48 PSI to help soften whatever uptick in stiffness there may (or may not) be with the new springs. I'll also report what difference (if any) there is on additional lift the new springs may have provided. Paul (2 HOBOS) hull 414
    3 points
  14. Task completed. Thanks for not hammering me on it. My OOPs was pretty much self inflicted.... as usual. I'll still laughing about it. GJ
    2 points
  15. No problem with lithium batteries. They don't need to be vented like lead-acid batteries do. Just be careful with the Reflectix around the batteries. It will conduct electricity if it comes in contact with the battery contacts/cables. I have some pink foam insulation inside the hatch for the winter.
    2 points
  16. I checked the system documentation for my Lithionics batteries, and it recommends that the equalization mode be disabled, so I turned off the batteries after turning off the solar charger and inverter, let them sit for a short while, then turned everything back on again (the modern equivalent of hitting a malfunctioning part with a hammer). This, combined with some charging from the solar panels, cleared all the error (RVC) codes from the batteries. For this purpose, I plan to pay more attention to voltage levels in this process rather than the percentage SOC displayed on the app.
    2 points
  17. Thank you for the advice, as well as the signature suggestion. I will look into the recalibration procedure, and (if I have done this correctly) my new signature should display below. (I borrowed your format - seemed to work well. I even figured out how to add that cool map, with a little help from a forum post.)
    2 points
  18. @Geronimo John like @topgun2 said, the shape of the door has not changed, and I added the 3M Thinsulate 600 and 1/2” foam pipe insulation. As far as I’m concerned the reflectix on the inside of the bottom outside hull is pretty much useless as a good insulator, so I have added Thinsulate pretty much everywhere within reach on the inside of the bottom outside hull, including the well documented cold area behind the garage and battery and garage doors. See this post…..
    2 points
  19. The shape of the door has not changed - it must be whatever a "parallax" is 😁. And, the lines are still not insulated at Oliver. A number of owners (to include the provider of the pic) have insulated their lines like this. Bill
    2 points
  20. I always travel with water in the tank. Too many times stuff happens and I find we end up needing it. (Pants find a greasy Anderson ball, wife wants to stay an extra day, dirty hands from flat tire, emergency mess that needs cleaning, grand kiddo's find mud pit to play in, etc.) You are correct it is a painfully slow process to drain the fresh water tank. It should not be that slooooow. I postulate that I have poly shavings blocking the outlet. As deep as the drain valve is buried, I have not even considered trying to remove them from the tank, valve and discharge line without flooding the hull in the process. So, for draining the tank, I do it overnight before winterization the next day. GJ
    2 points
  21. Excellent suggestion. If anyone complains, I can just tell them the trailer has BPH. 🤣
    2 points
  22. If you have an Android phone on the same WiFi network as the TV you can often screencast videos directly to the TV. Look for the symbol at the top of the video on your phone. It'll bring up a list of available TVs on the network. (This will require a decent Wi-Fi connection. We use a hotspot.) Some brands of Android phones will also let you use a USB-C to HDMI cable, which you could plug into the Furrion's HDMI input (Pixel phones do not.) I have seen the ApplePlay option in the Vizio menus for those with iPhones but I've never tried it. I have also connected a laptop to the Furrion head unit with an HDMI cable and sent videos to the TV that way.
    2 points
  23. This is entirely another and separate issue. These sensors will generally get you "in the ballpark", but, if you really want to know if you are on third base or over in right field you are probably not going to be happy with your readings.😢 Bill
    2 points
  24. For what it's worth, the extra length of the plumbing run to our Elite II bath does not noticeably affect the flow volume or pressure vs. the kitchen. In your shoes, I would be looking for some kind of blockage in the bath supply line, starting with possible calcium buildup over the past 8 years since Hull # 158 was built.
    2 points
  25. JD: Most of that was a joke. 🙂 Some engineers are fortunate to have the time and resources for long term project improvement efforts. Sadly, the vast majority of the engineers do not. Hopefully as we return the US economy back to that of actually making what we use, the time and resources will be available for them to do so. I believe that OTT has invested in this forum in a way as part of their quality improvement efforts. This forum and our Service Tickets are many thousands of opportunities for them to do so. And every one of the items sent their way is in fact looked at and the vast majority are resolved. I also am aware that their Quality Team is active on several of the issues we have seen in this forum discussed. So when we have a problem, those service tickets, and this forum are gold mines for their Quality efforts. That said, I could not resist the opportunity for levity with the pets, toilets and filtered drinking water crack. PS: I love dogs. Cats and Alligators not so much.
    2 points
  26. Yes, I also opted for the 2 5/16” BD coupler with 12000lbs capacity.
    2 points
  27. Tito's! Always in the cupboard.
    2 points
  28. Or good Texas Vodka!🤩
    2 points
  29. And I think this thread has run its course. Et al. Please rest assured that Oliver is and has been aware of all the fine points everyone has pointed out. They are considering all possibilities and making decisions. In my opinion this will turn out to be a one off event. Since Oliver has never ordered anything but 7000 pound couplers since they came back online in 2013. I can only think of a couple of scenarios where a 5000 pound coupler could find its way onto a trailer made 10 years after the last previous one was installed. We've beat this horse to death. By now everyone has checked their trailer to make sure theirs is OK. Let's let the horse rest in peace.
    2 points
  30. I have hull #219, i can’t relate to the low flow in the toilet, but as Mossemi described in his post there was a flow restrictor “water saver” in the shower head.If I remember correctly it was a red piece that popped right out, that made a huge difference in mine
    2 points
  31. Interesting thread! Unfortunately, being an avid mountain biker, I was immediately distracted by the Magic Mary in the background of the pic!
    2 points
  32. Don't put it in the middle. Point it at the tank you're using. If you see red in the display, the tank the lever is pointing at is empty. If you don't want auto changeover, leave the other tank (the full one) turned off. When you see red and your appliances stop working, close the empty tank, flip the pointer to the full tank, and slowly turn that tank on. If you do want auto changeover leave both tanks open. With both tanks open, a red indicator tells you that the first tank has emptied and you are now running on the second tank. Flip the pointer to the second tank, it'll turn green, then shut off the first tank and get it refilled. Repeat the process when the second tank empties. Same. I've used auto changeover for 24 years and never run out of propane (knocking on wood). I check the indicator and put a reminder in my phone to get the empty tank filled at the next opportunity.
    2 points
  33. Whistle while you work.... and I will not finish the rest of that tune we whistled as kids in the 1960's, as Army Brats in Germany. When fossil hunting the Badlands of Nebraska... if something nice was discovered washing out of the white gumbo... I would whistle as my rock pick worked around it to wrap and stick into my slung over my shoulder pack. My wife knew I found something when I was whistling a tune. "Yesterday" by the Beatles was always popular for me to carry a tune. Now our Blue Heelers respond to a whistle with a pattern that suits ME. Not them. They have no sense of a good tune, but from a distance a whistle could mean: Food is now being served for Man or Beast. We are packing up the camp and leaving. Where are you? Over here, I found something interesting. Gold Panning... dig a deeper hole and whistle "Working in a Coal Mine..." I know of no Travel Trailer whistling tunes. Maybe someone can walk and whistle at the same time. It is a good skill set...
    2 points
  34. Now that we have realized this BD hitch is a 5000 LB Class-3 hitch with a 7000 LB Class-4 OEM-mounted label, it really has nothing to do with what was designed for an LE-I or any OTT model. As @ScubaRx has verified, all travel trailers manufactured by OTT since 2015 have specified the 7000 LB Bulldog. OTT did not install the wrong trailer part. They installed a DB hitch mislabeled by Bulldog. The question is, did OTT receive just one (1) of these defective (mis-labeled) hitches, or a few? They could be on any 2018 +/- OTT trailer. Also, what was the defective batch size? Besides OTT, what other trailer manufacturers could have received mislabeled units? OTT management should not only be monitoring this thread. They should pay for ALL of @rideadeuce's expenses and some and pay to have this defective unit shipped back to OTT as evidence. In the end, Bulldog should pay. OTT MUST make Bulldog aware of this immediately, to limit OTT liability. DB must trace this unit by manufacturing batch number and communicate a recall to all possible BD consumers.
    2 points
  35. I’ll be interested in how they ride. I’m close to giving them a call to order. Mike
    2 points
  36. Agree….exactly what I did, using 3M Thinsulate SM600L and 1/2” foam pipe insulation!😊
    2 points
  37. And - while you are under there - it might be a good idea to put some insulation on those water lines. Insulation on the hot line will help keep the water hotter and insulation on the cold line ( and hot) will help prevent freezing of the lines in below 30 degree weather. Bill
    2 points
  38. I forgot to mention that while you have the caddy off take a few seconds and straighten out your faucet head hose.
    2 points
  39. Super helpful post! Thank you!
    2 points
  40. Hold up, ya'll. The top of his hitch says class 3 but the bottom says class 4. Which is it? @rideadeuce can you get a better image of that label?
    2 points
  41. I had the E-Z Flex installed a year after we bought our trailer. Jason said the bushings that were replaced were “shot”. That was after a year and something between 7-10,000 miles. Mike
    2 points
  42. @GlacierGirl yes use pink foam insulation or 3M Thinsulate 600.
    1 point
  43. Over time, the accuracy of the SOC will drift. So, it must be "recalibrated to reality" occasionally. For mine, I do so every two weeks of use when I equalize my litho's. At that time when the voltage hits my target, after resting the litho's, if the SOC is not showing 100% I manually reset it. How you go about doing that is system dependent. Your system documentation should address this procedure. GJ PS: Note the total lack of system specific info in my post. Without your info in the signature block that's all we can do. Kindly look at several examples and add to yours as a courtesy to those of us willing and able to help you. Thank you. GJ
    1 point
  44. All this and I focused in on the rarity of Bill's showers. hmmmm
    1 point
  45. All of this is a function of how cold and how high you have the temp set inside. I seldom use the heat because I do not camp much during the winter. However, during my two months fly fishing trips in the summer, I routinely only use one 20 pound tank every 6 to 8 weeks. Most of that is running the fridge and on rare occasion heating shower water. If you move the lever to point towards one or the other of your tanks and close the other tank, the "window" under the lever will tell you if you've got propane (green will show) or if you are empty (red will show). However, the key is to close the tank that you are not using. This prevents the valve from "automatically" switching from one tank to the other. Yes, the automatic feature will still try, but, since the second tank is closed, no propane will flow out of it until you open that tank's valve. When the tank in use finally runs out, the "window" should turn red. Simply move the lever towards the other tank and open that tank's valve (the window should turn green). If you do nothing - ie leave the lever pointed in either direction and leave both tank's valve open, the automatic valve will automatically switch to the tank with propane in it no matter which direction that lever is pointed. Therein lies the problem. Because at this point it is up to you to remember to check your tanks for how much propane is in them such that you don't totally run out without realizing it. Hope this helps! Bill
    1 point
  46. Greetings all -- I'm going to reignite this thread, after a brief exchange elsewhere about amateur radio. I hope that additional hams will join this thread. I'm still working to assemble the equipment I need to take my shack on the road, but getting close. I use a Yaesu FT991A, and plan to make home brew antennas. I also have an HT that I purchased used; I'm still learning to use it. No antenna on the TV. Most of my time this winter has been dedicated to study and practice with my local ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service); we have an excellent group here and I consider myself very fortunate to have so many experienced operators sharing their wisdom. Once I get on the road again, I hope to find local nets as I move around, and will try to connect with other Oliver hams when I can find you. I'd love to hear from more hams with information about their favorite equipment for travel (whether mounted in the Oliver or not). Photos are helpful! I'm really sorry that I missed the presentation at last year's Oliver rally. 73 KN4NBV
    1 point
  47. I didn't upgrade! AHHHHH!
    1 point
  48. I justed checked my coupler.. 2 inch 7000 lbs, it has the gusset.. we got our LEI in july of 2022 . No problems. I think they are using 7000 lbs bulldog on all the units. I guess if you opt. to get a 2 5/16” with the highter GVWR..
    1 point
  49. Arronorange....followed the instructions and all is well now. Thanks again.
    1 point
  50. One concern to keep top of mind when using air to purge our plastic lines is water hammer. At 40 PSI you can shoot a slug of water down a mostly purged line very very quickly. All will be fine on straight runs, but when they hit a 90 degree elbow or flat side of a T, it can, and has, blown off many a fitting. Personally I would consider regulating the air pressure down to 25 PSI vs. 40. May take a bit longer, but likely would result in less water leaks in the Spring. GJ
    1 point
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